Walking Down the Aisle

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The first person to get out of the car was Jonathan in an expensive-looking black suit. Unlike earlier in the morning when he left to meet Remi, Jonathan now looked more like an aristocrat with his freshly shaven face, neat attire, and very charming smile. From the looks of it, he had finally made up with Remi and are now ready to face their challenges.

"They really came," Fyre whispered, finally feeling relief as he watched Jonatha smiling to the cameras and later walked towards the passenger seat. When he opened the door, everyone except those of them who knew thought the Alpha was going to escort his known fiance, Margarette Silvostri, but to their surprise, the person who took Jonathan's hand was a woman who nobody knew. She was wearing a cream champagne dress and light make-up that complemented her simple but elegant temperament that the camera crews simply went crazy once again.

"And don't worry, nothing bad will happen. I made sure Margaretter Silvostri wouldn't come," Tian Zi whispered back, causing Fyre to gawk at the Alpha in confusion. Jonathan and Remi held hands together as they trail the way towards the lines for the bride's maids and groom's men but hearing the Alpha's words, Fyre frowned, not understanding what he meant to say.

"What are you talking about?" Fyre asked. Meanwhile, Tian Zi looked at Fyre and lightly shrugged his shoulder. "I found something and used it against her. Even though she's an aristocrat, she can't afford anything that will make her look bad. I only suggested to her not to attend today's wedding and it looks like she listened," Tian Zi replied, making Fyre even more confused about what the Alpha means to say. Would someone like Margarette Silvostri listen to what Tian Zi would say?

"I'll tell you later. For now, you have to go and greet Remi Long," Tian Zi said with a smile while holding Fyre's shoulders before he ushered him to go and meet Jonathan and Remi. Fyre stared at Tian Zi as if the Alpha grew another head but he soon nodded anyway and did what the Alpha said and met Remi halfway. For reasons unknown to him, Tian Zi seemed like he's becoming nicer. It was so sudden that he wondered what was the cause of the change.

Meanwhile, it is not that Tian Zi was becoming nicer to Fyre. Well, it is true that he's nice today but that was only because he promised himself that he would treat the Omega nicer during the wedding and there's a lot of reason why. The first reason was he was told to treat the Omega nicer and to not leave him all alone by both Laura Mo and Mo Chendong so that what happened a week ago wouldn't happen again. Secondly, Mo Hanlu warned him that if the wedding turns out bad and gives his beloved wife a bad wedding experience, he would not give him his inheritance. His inheritance was the reason why Fyre had become the maid of honor in the first place.

Lastly, it's not like he enjoyed seeing the Omega becoming angry and screaming at him all the time. He realized this when he saw Fyre walking away that day. His heart tightened and he couldn't hold himself back and chase after him. He admits that he liked to see Fyre smiling at him sometimes and maybe see him in a different light. He didn't want to fight anymore. He wanted to be real friends with him this time so he worked hard last night and hoped he could find a way to make the wedding day go smoothly.

He was looking for anything that he could use to give Margarette a little scare so she wouldn't attend the wedding and potentially create a commotion but he didn't expect to really see something. A huge scandal that would even help Jonathan break off his engagement to the woman. This might also be the reason why Marjorie Wood didn't attend the wedding as well because they simply couldn't let their secret out and ruin their image. Marjorie Wood is someone obsessed with the family reputation so when news comes out that she slept with his little brother's fiance, things could get a little dirty.

Tian Zi looked at Fyre from a distance and he couldn't help but smile again seeing that the Omega looked more relaxed now. Meanwhile, unknowingly from his side, Maverick was also stealing glances at Tian Zi, wondering why the Alpha stared at him earlier. He wanted to approach him and ask but he was also afraid that maybe he just got it wrong. He was about to push the thought away from his mind when he saw the young Alpha suddenly smile. It was the first time that he saw him smile since most of the time Mo Tian Zi would be glaring at someone so Maverick decided to look at where the Alpha was looking.

And to his surprise, the view was the same Omega Tian Zi was looking at earlier in the morning gathering. Maverick only knew his name was Fyre, he didn't know who he was or where he came from but for him to be able to put that smile on the Alpha's lips, he must be someone important, maybe a lover? But then again, it was not too long when he and Tian Zi did something so maybe not? It might be possible that the Alpha found a lover in that span of time but he's just curious as to what kind of person would be able to make the always irritable Mo Tian Zi act so gently.

Maverick knew Mo Tian Zi was a kind person and that he was gentle and considerate but he was the kind that would never show it to anyone. To be honest, he was kind of hoping he was the only one that knew but to his disappointment, he wasn't the only one. But of course, he couldn't show it so he quickly returned his eyes to the front where he's supposed to be in the beginning.

"Okay, the list for all the bride's maids and groom's men are completed, the ceremony starts when the music cues," As soon as Remi and Jonathan walked to their positions, Fyre also walked back to his. When everything was settled without a problem, the wedding planner once again reminded everyone. And since Hanlu was the first to walk down the aisle after the officiant, he had Laura Mo walk him while Ian had Mo Chendong. Since Ian doesn't have parents, this was the best solution they came up with. Traditionally, Hanlu was to walk the aisle alone but he decided to walk with Laura since he no longer has grandparents anyway and he can't let his mother walk alone.

As the music cued, everyone prepared for their turn. Meanwhile, Hanlu smiled as he started walking down the aisle with Laura. There was no doubt he was the happiest man on earth at this moment because finally, he was able to give Ian the wedding he deserves.

The lovely music continued to resonate inside the church, the few camera crews that were allowed to enter the ceremony spared no time and continued to take the best shots they could. Everything went smoothly and it was not long before it was almost time for Fyre to walk down the aisle. Fyre took a deep breath closing his eyes praying that his nervousness would soon disappear. He was afraid that being under too much pressure would suddenly make his body react differently so he breathed in and out hoping that it would help. He continued to close his eyes and as he was about to open them, he felt Tian Zi's hand squeezed his.

"Relax. Just ignore their stares and you'll be fine. If you can't, then maybe I'll just have to post your picture online wearing a maid's uniform," Tian Zi whispered, a little too close for Fyre's convenience that when he heard the Alpha's voice and felt his hot breath, blood rushed to his face as he covered his right ear, leaning away. He stared at Tian Zi's smirk and was about to ask why he had to talk that close but later his face turned into a frown when the Alpha's words sank in.

"What photos?" Fyre asked, squinting his eyes.

"You know, the photos I took when you were in disguise?" Tian Zi replied leisurely, making Fyre's frown turn into a glare.

"You took photos?" Fyre asked in an angry hushed tone. He couldn't believe the Alpha was bringing something like this at this moment where he had to focus.

"Of course I did. You didn't think I would?" Tian Zi asked, mischievously acting innocent. However, his act soon turned into a silent painful wail when Fyre pinched his side as hard as he could.

"You Fucker! I knew you were never sorry," Fyre angrily said but still in a hushed tone, the people in front of them thought that the two were really close. The other bride's maids and groom's men stared at their bickering and wondered what their relationship is that they are even comfortable fighting in the middle of something so important.

"Ouch, hey. Behave. It's about our turn," Tian Zi groaned in pain caressing the area before he quickly changed the topic. Meanwhile, it was then that Fyre realized why the Alpha suddenly brought up something like that at this moment and he felt kinda touched but still a little angry but he decided to let this slide for now.

"Okay, it's your turn, lovebirds," The wedding planner suddenly said to the two making the both of them gawk at her in surprise. Tian Zi was about to correct her but there wasn't enough time as they were already walking down the aisle. All eyes were on them. Traditionally, Fyre and Tian Zi would have walked down the aisle separately and alone but for some reason, the wedding planner made it so that they would walk together.

"Have you relaxed?" Tian Zi whispered, feeling Fyre squeezing his arm as they walked. Tian Zi also didn't like being looked at but he wasn't as uncomfortable as Fyre at the moment.

"I'm fine. I just can't help but think that they're whispering about me," Fyre whispered back. He couldn't help but remember the day when he walked down the hallway towards his classroom and the students would look at him and then whisper at each other. It was obvious that they were gossiping about him and they didn't even try to hide it. But it's not that he could do anything about it, that's why he left and decided to hide.

"Hey, don't worry because they're not. People are focusing on the bride and the groom. Just do your best, after this it's like nothing had happened, and besides, look. It's about to end," Tian Zi assured, and thankfully, just like he said, they were already at the end of the aisle and had to separate. Fyre let go of Tian Zi however before they fully separated to sit on their appointed seats, Fyre smiled at the Alpha gratefully and mouthed the words "Thank you."

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To be Continued...