Now, Lovers

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Fyre laid comfortably on top of Tian Zi, completely exhausted and sated. The space on the couch was cramped but the two of them didn't mind each other's sweaty bodies. Instead, both of them love it. In fact, it felt just as intimate as what they did earlier on.

"Is your body okay?" Tian Zi asked, he couldn't help kissing Fyre's forehead as one of his arms wrapped around his bare body. He honestly felt so happy that he could literally jump up and down right now if only he too wasn't too exhausted from doing it so many times. He never felt so much attraction with someone before. The reason why he never went all the way with the girls he had been with was because he felt disgusted with himself, feeling aroused at someone he wasn't even attracted to. It felt wrong and before anything could happen he would either suddenly turn soft or he would storm out of the room.

As for Fyre, it was different. Even though the Omega had ridiculous requests, he would still find himself completely helpless against him and he believed half of the reason was because of their family curse—if it exists—making him simply soft against Omegas.

"Hmmn, I've never felt so satisfied before," Fyre mumbled weakly. He already knew his body and Tian Zi's were compatible but even after a long while, he could still feel the pleasure all over his body and his body would tremble every time that the red pigment on his cheeks never seemed to fade away.

"R-Really?" Tian Zi exclaimed happily, his eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect the Omega would be so honest about it that he slightly sat up wanting to see Fyre's expression.

"D-Don't make me repeat myself," Fyre whined, quickly feeling shy against the Alpha's gaze as he instantly covered Tian Zi's eyes. "A-Anyway, d-don't look at me~" Fyre added, turning into a deeper shade of red. For some reason, his heart wouldn't stop beating vigorously whenever Tian Zi looked at him ever since earlier. He couldn't handle it and so he's been requesting the Alpha to not look at him because he was embarrassed. For some reason, it is more embarrassing to show his expression than to have him naked in front of the Alpha.

"Are you still shy?? Please let me look at you..." Tian Zi softly said after catching Fyre's hands and kissing them affectionately.

"Fyre, what are we now? I want you to look in my eyes and say it. Can you do that for me, please?" Tian  Zi requested. He remembered Fyre saying that he was going to give the two of them a chance but right now he's confused as to what to expect after what just happened. The first time was an accident but the second time, both of them wanted it. Meanwhile, it was his turn to have his eyes widened, Fyre suddenly became silent, trying to struggle out of Tian Zi's grip. His mind quickly went into chaos, feeling suddenly pressured to answer such an embarrassing question and request.

"Fyre?" Tian Zi called worriedly. His heart started beating painfully even though he had more or less expected it. But he should be happy, Fyre initially didn't like him but he got to do it with him twice. He should be satisfied with this for now.

"Okay, you don't have to force yourself. It's fine, sorry for asking such a ridiculous request from you." Tian Zi said and hugged Fyre, he wanted to punch himself from ruining the mood. Nevertheless, he gave Fyre time to think and when there was no sign of him speaking he was planning to suggest that they should soon take a shower when all of sudden Fyre suddenly hugged him, preventing him from standing up from the couch.

"What is it?" Tian Zi asked, helplessly looking at Fyre burying his face against his torso. A smile soon reached his lips.

"Come on. I'll help you clean up. I've exhausted your body too much so you should soon rest, it's already this late too. You don't have to worry about what I said earlier, just forget that I said that," Tian Zi conveyed, gently caressing the top of Fyre's head.

At the same time, listening to him, Fyre stayed silent. He continued to hug Tian Zi, his thoughts lingered on the Alpha's earlier words as he questioned himself. 'What are we?' Fyre thought, his hold tightened against the Alpha. He's still scared but he was determined to find his own happiness this time. He had enough of cowering back from his feelings and he thought it was time for him to indulge himself for once. He was prepared for whatever might become after this, whether he'd end up with a happy or tragic ending. He had decided he wouldn't regret it no matter what.

"W-with all the t-things we had done... d-don't tell me you think I-I would simply do this with you without reason? Y-You think I'm such an e-easy person?" Fyre mumbled, still hiding his face out of embarrassment. But it's true, it's the second time already! Why would he do it again with the Alpha if he wasn't thinking of forming a deeper relationship with him?

"W-wait? I don't understand what you mean... I don't think you're easy, Fyre. Please, don't misunderstand my words," Tian Zi suddenly panicked, not knowing what to do. Although Fyre didn't sound like he was angry, he still felt pressure because he believed if he said something wrong, the Omega would surely become mad at him again.

"I was just making sure w-what you feel about me. I know you don't like me—"

"S-Shut up! Who said I don't like you?! Would I do this with you the second time if I didn't like you? Are you really that stupid!" Fyre finally burst, pushing Tian Zi and yelling at him which instantly made the Alpha open his mouth in surprise. Just like he had thought, one mistake of his would quickly make Fyre angry. However, hearing the Omega's words and after it had sunk in, Tian Zi was flabbergasted.

"T-Then d-do you really like me? Like me enough to consider your boyfriend from now on?" Tian Zi asked, his heart pounded fast. He gulped nervously waiting for Fyre's answer and as soon as he saw the Omega slowly nodded his head while finally directly looking at his eyes, it was as if his whole world went in slow motion. It was just this morning that he had realized his true feelings towards Fyre, he also felt heartbroken when he thought Fyre was going to leave him. He confessed for the first time and felt so hopeful... and now, he's the happiest man on Earth.

"Fuck! This wasn't part of my plan but why am I so happy?" Tian Zi whispered before he pulled Fyre close to him as their foreheads touched. Fyre was unable to reply and just shyly let the Alpha do what he wanted. Just like Tian Zi, he's happy too but right now he's just too shy. "You better take responsibility from now on," He added and soon kissed the Omega's plumped lips. He slipped his slick tongue in, leaving no space untouched until the both of them were breathless. Somehow, the kiss is more passionate, sweeter, and hotter. Alas, they had to pull away as Tian Zi lifted Fyre into his arms before heading to the bathroom.

As soon as they stepped inside the shower room, Tian Zi let Fyre down as they began kissing again. He pushed him against the wall and instinctively the Omega tiptoed, wrapping his arms around the Alpha's neck while he drew him close, encircling his hands around such a narrow waist.

The heat that they've thought they had sated earlier suddenly returned and seeing that they've already indulged themselves so much, there was no reason for them to hold back at this point.

"Hold on tightly," Tian Zi whispered, kissing Fyre's neck lifting his legs and making it wrap around his torso. As always, all of this made Fyre blush but his body was already too hot for him to stop. They have done it so much already, there was no point in turning shy now but of course, he couldn't help himself. Tian Zi was his friend just until recently but he's doing this to him now. However, he doesn't regret it. Instead, he felt happy and fulfilled.

'Is this how it feels to be with someone you love?? I-It feels too overwhelming to the point that my heart was going to jump out of my mouth,' Fyre thought, moaning as the thick and long staff slid inside him before they started kissing again.

'Ahh~ I don't care anymore. It feels too good to even think of something else~'

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"I'm sorry. I've really overdone it this time," Tian Zi apologized, holding the exhausted Fyre in his arms as they lay together on the hospital bed. It was a little awkward at first but they can't deny the new connection they had formed.

Right now, they are truly called lovers. It's something the both of them never expected would happen since they've always thought that it was impossible but here they are, in the comfort of each other's arms. Tian Zi especially never dreamed of falling in love and he was so against such thoughts but he's eating his words now. Of course, he didn't feel any humiliation regarding this and he accepted his utter loss.

"It's okay. I-I liked it anyway," Fyre confessed, hiding against Tian Zi's armpits making the Alpha laugh. Normally, he would have teased Fyre until he would get angry but this atmosphere wasn't so bad. He wasn't for sure but he liked to believe that he had matured a bit. Still, he does love seeing Fyre stressing over him from time to time but adorable and honest Fyre wasn't so bad as well.

"Hmm, and I'll treat you even better from now on," Tian Zi chuckled. They are both well aware that despite their bodies' compatibility, there is still more about them that was a little awkward because all of this was too sudden but since it's official that they are now lovers, they're both positive that they would be able to find a way to settle their differences.

"D-Do whatever you want..." Fyre replied, sounding a little stubborn but he did appreciate it. He'll also try to treat Tian Zi a little better from now on.

"Okay, I will. But for now,  I should really let you sleep. It's already 2 am and I know you're exhausted, and you haven't recovered yet. How are you still awake?" Tian Zi said with another chuckle.

"Well, I'm awake because you're persistent as fuck." Fyre complained, making Tian Zi laugh and kissing Fyre on his forehead.

"That's why, I'm letting you sleep now," Tian Zi replied which only made Fyre scuff, blushing deeper.

"Okay... G-Good night then..." Fyre mumbled. Even though clearly, he was so shy, he never asked the Alpha to get off of the bed and instead even snuggled closer. Tian Zi didn't comment on it and came off as teasing Fyre again so instead, he pulled the Omega closer, enjoying the moment. And just like that, they both soon fell asleep and woke up in the morning still in each other's arms. As always, Tian Zi woke up way earlier because that's just how his body worked and when he saw Fyre next to him, sleeping so peacefully, a smile slowly reached his lips. However, as much as he wanted to stay lying in bed with his now, lover, he had to get up and prepare before he woke up.

They no longer have a reason to stay at the hospital, besides, they still have to help Maverick reach his freedom. They've been delaying that for way too long.

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To be Continued...