Recessive Alpha

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"Ahw, nice doing business with you, Fyre," Julie Walker chirped happily while checking the documents, making sure that she hadn't missed a single thing.

"By the way, I will be your manager from now on so I will be needing your email and contact number so I can contact you when I've prepared the revised documents. Of course, that goes as well for future events. That said, there will be script reading and some test runs anytime soon so I'll send everything to you tomorrow so you can have an overview of the script. Also, the test runs are just so we know what your level is and whether you'll need additional training or not," she added. She had lost the playful approach and all of a sudden became serious making Fyre raise an eyebrow but he brushed it off quickly wanting all this to finish already as he wrote his contact info in a piece of paper.

"There! If there's nothing else then can I continue with chores now?"

"Do as you wish. I am looking forward to working with you from now on," Julie said with a smile this time around after fixing all her things. They were both about to separate because their transaction had ended but the both of them suddenly became alert when they heard a commotion from downstairs. Fyre frowned at what was happening so he ran towards the railings where the first floor was overlooking when he saw Tian Zi twisting Duke Davidson's hand towards his back before pushing him to the ground.

"Zi!! Stop that!" Fyre called in surprise, although deep inside he wanted to laugh at the actor's current condition.

"Fyre? I'm glad you're okay. I thought something bad had happened to you," Tian Zi replied in relief but he never let go of the actor, causing Duke to yell and curse furiously that the way he twisted his face in anger was almost as if he didn't have an image to protect.

"Get off of me, fucker! Do you know who I am!? You're definitely going to pay for this!!" The actor yelled but Tian Zi only ignored that as he watched his lover coming down by the elevator until finally he was running towards him. In his eyes, Fyre was in slow motion and he couldn't help but be mesmerized at the same time be upset because the Omega sneaked out on him while he was busy.

"Stop it! I'm fine so you can let go of him now," Fyre pacified, holding Tian Zi's arms and pulling him away from the actor.

"Is he your visitor?" Tian Zi asked with a frown, already feeling jealous that a man was visiting his lover's house without him knowing, even more so because the Omega was wearing such revealing clothes where his thighs and body shape were visible. But of course, he wouldn't voice that out.

"Well... He is(?)" Fyre replied rather unsure, making Tian Zi raise another eyebrow. For Fyre on the other hand, Duke Davidson was just an uninvited guest that he hated, but he can't just have Tian Zi break his arms. "I mean he's with someone I know so you can let go of him now." Fyre added. Tian Zi was still a little hesitant but he let go of the actor anyway seeing that a woman also somewhat familiar to him stepped forward.

"Mr. Mo, nice to meet you again. My name is Julie Walker and you've met me before when I came to visit Fyre," Julie introduced, extending her hand to handshake which Tian Zi did briefly before pulling Fyre close to him and rudely ignored her and the cursing actor on his side and just focused his attention to his lover who had left his bed this morning when he was supposed to rest a little bit more. Earlier, he thought his heart was going to stop beating when he found out that the Omega had sneaked out. If he didn't know better, he would have thought Fyre had left him.

"Why did you leave?? Didn't the doctor tell you to rest well? I was so worried when I came back and you weren't there," Tian Zi worriedly expressed, holding both of Fyre's cheeks before leaning down to claim his kiss without a care if there were people watching them. On the other hand, Fyre was shocked and a blush quickly reached his cheeks as he had trouble responding to the possessive kiss. Tian Zi was taller than him so he had to tiptoe and have the Alpha lift him a little for them to kiss properly. He's embarrassed that they're suddenly kissing but at the same time he didn't want to pull away.

"Zi~" Fyre whined after their lips finally separated and hid his lips from the Alpha. Ever since the time they confessed to each other, the Alpha had been obsessed with kissing and hugging. It's like he has become someone else because he had become so clingy and expressive with his desires. Which clearly, he wasn't like that before.

"I'm sorry. It's just I missed you so much. And you look even cuter today," Tian Zi conveyed lovingly, making Fyre blush even more. He wanted to yell and get angry with him but Fyre was just too weak against the Alpha's advances.

"It hasn't even been 6 hours since we last saw each other. How can you miss me already?! Besides, didn't I tell you yesterday that I had to go back since I had a lot of chores to do," Fyre exclaimed in embarrassment. He couldn't believe Tian Zi had changed so much. He wasn't used to it but at the same time did not hate it. "A-Anyway, I have visitors," Fyre added, reminding the Alpha that it wasn't just them around. If it was in his house, Flinn and the rest of the workers would have ignored and pretended they didn't see them but right now it was different.

Meanwhile, seeing the whole scene uncovered in front of them, Julie Walker wasn't even offended anymore knowing that the two already had been well known to be together for a long time now, while Duke just turned silent with his jaw dropped. He had seen actors and actresses kissing and even making out during the taping before but the two just gave off a different vibe. They're too natural and comfortable to the point that the moment their eyes lock, it's like it's only them in the world.

"Tch. But aren't they leaving soon? And… how can you wear such small clothes in front of another Alpha. I trust you but I don't trust other men," Tian Zi asked with a frown, taking off his leather jacket and draping it over Fyre before glaring at Duke Davidson, who suddenly looked like he got caught off guard.

"Sorry to interrupt but Duke is a Beta so no need to worry," Julie interrupted awkwardly. She was glad that Mo Tian Zi quickly dismissed Duke's rude behavior earlier but he has to make sure the Alpha wouldn't see Duke as a threat since they wouldn't be able to afford making him their enemy just because he's jealous. Alphas' are naturally possessive but there are some who are extreme. There was not a lot of information about Tian Zi that is publicly known but maybe he's one of the eccentrics. After all, both his older brothers are known to be the most obsessive and possessive with their wives.

"Beta?" Tian Zi replied, reluctant to believe the information before he looked at Duke again, squinting his eyes. "He certainly could pass as one but he's definitely an Alpha. Maybe… a recessive? Either way… you have to be careful whether they're Alpha, Beta, or an Omega," Tian Zi said first before he looked at Fyre, closing the zipper of the jacket he gave to Fyre. On the other hand, both Ms. Walker and Duke were surprised when they heard Tian Zi. There are only a few people who knew that Duke was an Alpha because he was indeed a recessive. Aside from his direct family, his manager, and the chairman of the company, no one should know about it but now Mo Tian Zi just figured it out after meeting him once.

"Bastard! You don't have to tell me that. Besides we've finished our transaction and they're leaving soon. Right, Ms. Walker?" Fyre assured to which she only ended up replying with a nod.

"Yes, he's right, Mr. Mo. I apologized for Duke's behavior earlier, I'll try to discipline him so please forgive him this one time. Anyway, if you could excuse us, we will be on our way. We have overstayed our welcome… I will contact you tomorrow, Fyre," Julie said before grabbing Duke by his arms and dragging him out. The reason why they were hiding the fact that Duke was an Alpha was because that's his number one selling point. A Beta who is talented enough to surpass even Alphas. Because although there are also so many bright and talented Betas out there, you could always see an Alpha surpass them without much effort.

A talented Alpha was just natural while a Beta, it takes hard work and real talent. That's why Duke was very popular because majority of the population are Betas and Betas always support each other. They reject the fact that Betas aren't going to be as good as Alphas. They could too if they tried harder, just like Duke Davidson. The phenomenal Beta.

"What? What does she mean she would contact you tomorrow?" Tian Zi immediately asked after the two guests had left. When Fyre heard the Alpha's question, he suddenly twitched nervously. He forgot that after the dinner tonight, the whole family was going overseas to celebrate the occasion and since it was also Tian Zi's birthday in 2 days. Usually, Mrs. Mo would have organized a banquet for exclusive visitors but this year, they were going to spend time together with the family alone.

"Uhg… I… uhmm… I kinda agreed to act in a movie."

"What! You're not even interested in that kind of thing," Tian Zi exclaimed, surprised. Now he remembered where he met Julie Walker, it was more than 2 years ago when she also came to offer Fyre the same thing which Fyre declined because he simply had no interest in becoming an actor but now, Tian Zi did not expect to hear such a news.

"Yeah, I don't but I ended up agreeing to it. Anyway, don't worry, Ms. Walker was just talking about handing me the revised contract and the script," Fyre assured but Tian Zi was still worried. He doesn't doubt Fyre's capabilities but Fyre truly didn't want the life of a celebrity. He hated the spotlight above anything else. There had been a lot of companies contacting him about live and off-cam interviews, talk shows, and even variety shows but he declined all of that.

"Good. You haven't signed anything yet, right? You can still back out if it's just a verbal agreement. I'll lend you the family lawyer if you need any legal help," Tian Zi suggested.

"Unfortunately, I've already signed it… Zi, don't worry. Even though I didn't really think this through at first, it's not that I'm fully against it. I just thought I wanted to try what it was like to live in Remi's dream… You're going to support me right? And isn't it good to try new things," Fyre expressed, holding his lover's arms and gently brushing it up and down in a soothing manner. Tian Zi thought at first and he was still hesitant but in the end he nodded, pulling Fyre into a hug.

"Of course, I support you. Just tell me if you need any help, okay?"


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To be Continued…