I Don’t Like It

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A little after the revelation, dinner started with a joyous atmosphere. The whole family conversed and their topic began from asking the new couple how they started having feelings for each other, when they became official, and how they ended up with a wedding proposal. Fyre and Tian Zi preferred these questions more so they had no trouble answering it truthfully. Of course, Hanlu was still a little repulsive but Fyre could tell the Alpha was also curious, especially when he was the one who brought up the wedding date and questions about their plans until then.

After dinner, everybody joined in another conversation in the living room that even Mo Laotian agreed to visit the hospital together in 10 days. Since Daniel was turning 11 weeks old, he had to go on a regular check-up due to him getting pregnant 6 months after labor and might be at risk especially since he had a history of premature birth at the same time miscarriage and a difficult pregnancy. Furthermore, Ian's was also turning 15 weeks old and the perfect time to know the gender of the baby. In addition to Fyre's current dilemma, going to the hospital together would be better to ease whatever tension.

After that discussion and agreement, there were a lot more topics brought up mainly about Tian Zi and Fyre. Never-ending questions and plans that even when it was so late, it seems like they've only scratched the surface. In the end, like always, Fyre decided to spend the night at the estate explaining why he's now laying on his lover's bed trying to not let his voice out.

"Ahnnm! Zi~" Fyre moaned, covering his mouth. He knew the Alpha's room wasn't built with soundproofing so if he's a little too loud, everyone would know they're doing the naughty. Fyre softly grabbed on Tian Zi's hair as he looked down at the Alpha with teary eyes. Tian Zi was supposed to shower after him so that they can rest early because they still have to meet Ms. Walker tomorrow in the morning and after that they would go straight to their flight to Male together with the rest of the Mo Family that will take at least 19 hours if they don't spend too much time in their stops; it'll be a long flight and they should've been sleeping already to prepare their bodies but suddenly, Tian Zi was eating him out.

He thought the Alpha was determined not to touch him tonight as well since he didn't join in the shower with him saying that he had something he had to do but now this had happened!

"W-we have to r-rest ahhh..." Fyre insisted, begging his lover through his gaze. Unfortunately, the Alpha was too busy enjoying the dessert served in front of him. He slurped all the juice deliciously and he couldn't help but moan as he felt the tight entrance squeeze his tongue as if not wanting him out. Of course he could hear Fyre's call and he understood why the Omega was asking him to stop but he didn't want to. He had been patiently waiting since they were in the car or perhaps even longer than that. Besides, he was advised by the doctor to make sure Fyre would get used to him so that the next time he accidentally knots him, the Omega won't be hurt as much.

Furthermore, how can he resist when his fiancé was staying in the same room as him. Fyre should have already expected he would do this when he dragged him to his room.

"Ahh, s-stop~ Ahh... hmmmn..." Fyre whined helplessly, his toes curled down and his body arched in pleasure as he couldn't stop himself from coming.

"Fuck! That's so hot," Tian Zi commented, finally pulling away from the gaping hole. He could already feel his groin tighten against his pants and he so badly wanted to put it in.

"Y-You horny fucker! I told you to stop!" Fyre complained, heaving for air as his thighs trembled when he tried to close it up, which Tian Zi quickly stopped and this time settled over to position himself.

"Don't be mad. I'll only do it once, I promise," Tian Zi conveyed in daze. For some reason even though there were not that much pheromones involved, he just couldn't help but become so aroused. Meanwhile, hearing the Alpha and later feeling the lengthy and heavy organ softly bumped against his wet mound, Fyre blushed, glaring at Tian Zi.

"D-Didn't you say I still need rest? W-Why the heck are we doing this now?" Fyre complained again, throwing back the Alpha's words from days ago when he insisted he wanted to go home for a bit. Well... it's not that he didn't want to do it with Tian Zi because obviously he wanted it too but it truly didn't feel right knowing that they're at the main Mo estate. He was thankful the last time was interrupted because he would not have known how to face Mr. and Mrs. Mo after having sex with their son at their house. He'd be too embarrassed to show himself.

"That's why I'll only do it once... And this time, I'll wear protection. I'll also make sure not to knot and hurt you, okay?!" Tian Zi insisted, almost begging while he rubbed his hot flesh against the wet surface which Fyre could not retaliate because it's not like he had the heart to reject his lover's adorable begging face. At the same time, when he finally had enough, Tian Zi quickly reached out his back pocket and showed a whole stash of condoms in the Alpha size.

"What the fuck!! Why are you putting that kind of thing in your back pocket!? What if someone saw you?" Fyre said in shock before his blush became even deeper, already thinking everyone must have seen it but pretended they didn't.

"Relax. I got this just now from Lucas..." Tian Zi assured, already opening one sachet and quickly put it on his standing tower. Meanwhile, hearing him, Fyre had become even more shocked. Lucas is the Mo Estate's head butler, he couldn't believe Tian Zi asked him to buy a condom for him. Doesn't that mean the old butler knew that they were going to do it?!! How can he face the old butler again tomorrow!?

"What the fuck!! This is so embarrassing!" Fyre whined, he could not believe Tian Zi was shameless enough to ask someone to buy condoms for him. That kind of thing should have been private!

"Lucas is trustworthy so you don't have to worry. I've ordered him to get this secretly... and so he'll pretend not to know anything," Tian Zi explained and assured but later on frowned, disliking the fact that after wearing the thin plastic, he's barely able to feel anything. He had always imagined how it felt but now that he had tried it for the first time, he's a bit disappointed. The strong desire to take it off crowded his mind but he prevailed and kept in mind that he needed it to protect Fyre as well.

"Still~" Fyre whined, helplessly before biting on his lips feeling Tian Zi rubbing against him once again.

"I'm going to put it in... I promise I'll do it just once," Tian Zi conveyed, before leading the tip of his cock to the wet hole and slowly but surely slid all his length in the tight tube. When the two of them were fully connected with Tian Zi's resting at the right spot, both of them silently groaned but for some reason, Fyre was feeling a little uncomfortable. Sure, it didn't hurt at all but something was definitely missing. Even when the Alpha began thrusting deeply, he still felt eager. There was no doubt it felt good but something was amiss.

"Does it hurt?" Tian Zi suddenly asked, seeing the somewhat confused expression of his lover before leaning close to kiss his forehead softly. His kiss traveled down and he claimed the moist lips before letting it go to hear the answer.

"Hmm~ i-it's not. It's just... it feels weird." With a flushed face, Fyre hugged Tian Zi wrapping his legs against his torso as well. He moaned at the deep and heavy stabs but again, for some reason, it's taking him longer to reach his climax.

"A-Anyway, you're not coming already?" Fyre added, making Tian Zi halt and blush. Normally, he would have come a little after putting it in but Fyre noticed how the Alpha has been keeping up so well. Of course, it's not that he wanted Tian Zi to climax already since he's also still far from that as well.

"Sorry to disappoint you. This condom is blocking most of my senses. It's hard to come so I guess we'll have to take a little bit longer," Tian Zi confessed as he began his thrusts again, however this time a little rough that the sound of their skins slapping against each other echoed in the room along with their muffled moans. Thankfully, after long minutes, both of them finally reached their edge as they hugged each other. Both of their bodies were glistening with sweat, their breaths were heavy but they continued to kiss until their lungs were in desperate need of air.

"I love you," Tian Zi whispered, kissing Fyre's flushed cheeks and as promised, he pulled out of the Omega only to see that the small plastic he was wearing was no longer on him. For a brief moment he panicked but he quickly calmed down when he saw the small bag hanging on his lover's entrance and refused to go out. Watching the erotic scene, Tian Zi gulped. Adam's apple moved up and down as his hand trembled, pulling out cum-filled plastic.

Meanwhile, Fyre's body shivered. He could still feel the hard Alpha genitalia inside him even though it's no longer there, making his legs tremble. It felt good and he was exhausted but for some reason he felt unsatisfied. He glanced at Tian Zi in a daze and he could see his manhood still standing so proudly and probably ready to go for more. So without thinking much, Fyre slowly sat up and stared at his lover. Tian Zi thought he was going to have another shower but he suddenly got confused when the Omega climbed on top of him.

"F-Fyre?" Tian Zi stuttered. He gritted his teeth when he felt his lover's hand on his shaft and jerked it gently before lightly squeezing the base.

"S-Stop. That's dangerous," Tian Zi warned helplessly but he cannot deny that he liked it. In addition to his senses being blocked by the condom, he normally has high libido that's why even though he comes fast, he is still able to do it multiple times. But since he promised Fyre he'd only do it once, he was planning to rely on his good old friend right hand in the shower.

"Just one more... without this thing..." Fyre whispered, pushing Tian Zi on the bed with him on top before throwing the remaining stash of condoms out of bed. He now knows why he felt something was missing. He already experienced the pleasures of raw sex and be bred to the brim by a dominant Alpha. At first, he thought it would be the same with or without a condom but now he realized it wasn't. The difference was like day and night, and he was sure Tian Zi felt the same way.

"I don't like it... You don't like it too, right? I'll monitor my heat from now on so let's continue doing it like this, okay?" Fyre's eyes drooped in daze as he smiled towards his lover. Tian Zi was surprised at the suggestion, his mind wanted to retaliate, but as he felt the wet yet warm cavern slowly wrapped around his hard girth, he had no choice but to hold his lover's narrow waist and support his movement.

"Damn! I don't know what to do with you anymore," Tian Zi uttered helplessly. He used to be very good over his control but it was also true that this was what he was looking for. He already had a taste of it and it's difficult to suddenly give that up. The overwhelming sensation, the warmth, and the tightness. He simply couldn't resist it. He no longer cared what would happen. He simply can't give up this feeling. In the end, he'll just make sure Fyre was happy and he would simply take any responsibility whatever outcome fate might bring them.

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To be Continued...