Sadness and Disappointment (2)

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"What happened? Are you hurt anywhere?" Tian Zi hurriedly approached Fyre before scoping his face so he could look at it. Because of this, Fyre couldn't hold back his tears any longer and cried even louder making Tian Zi extremely anxious that he quickly lifted him up and made him sit on the counter sink so they could look at each other properly. However, as he did so, something fell on the floor and when he looked at it, his eyes went even wider as he picked it up.

"This...?" Tian Zi asked but Fyre continued to cry without saying anything. He didn't want Tian Zi to know but at this point, it was too late. Even if the Alpha didn't discover the pregnancy test, he would eventually be forced to tell him because he was crying. He couldn't just say that he was fine because he was clearly crying in so much pain that his chest felt heavy but at the same time, somehow he felt empty.

Meanwhile, staring at the test result, Tian Zi had a hard expression before he put it down and later pulled his lover into a tight hug. He didn't know when Fyre had started doing the test but seeing how he's crying like this, it is safe to say that he had quite a bit and he could just imagine how sad and broken he must have been seeing the result turn negative each time.

"It's okay. It's okay. Please don't be sad. I'm sure if we tried harder, you'll get the result that you wanted... And even if we don't, I'm fine with just being with you, so please don't keep hurting like this," Tian Zi cooed. His heart felt pain seeing the Omega like this as well and it frustrates him that he couldn't do anything about it.

"B-But w-we've been t-trying really hard. I...I want to have my own child~" Fyre finally uttered between his sobs and it was very clear that he was truly heartbroken.

"I know. I know. And we'll try even harder, okay? I'll do anything for you so please don't cry anymore, it pains me to see you like this," pulling away Tian Zi held his lover's face and said again while wiping those huge droplets of tears.

"B-But what if it's too late for me? E-Even if w-we tried? W-what if...? Y-Your mom--" Fyre stuttered between his bawls but he wasn't able to finish his word when Tian Zi quickly interrupted him.

"Don't listen to whatever anyone says. We'll try our best but like I said, even if we don't end up having a child, I'll be happy with just you. I don't care what other people say even if they're my parents and you shouldn't either. They are not the ones you are spending the rest of your life with, it's me, okay? Remember that," Tian Zi expressed with a frown and made sure Fyre would understand what he was saying to him. Although it was highly unlikely, even if his family would end up rejecting Fyre, he wouldn't leave him. In the first place, since when had he listened to his parents' demands? He didn't before and he would then.


"No buts... I love you and no one else. And if you're really worried about such a thing, then I'll just have to make sure your womb is filled with my seeds until you'll get sick of... let's see then if nothing really grows in there sooner or later," Tian Zi said with a frown before he suddenly lifted Fyre into his arms like a child and soon walked towards their bed. Fyre was still crying and even when Tian Zi was kissing his neck and slowly stripped his pajamas, he continued to cry that the Alpha had to stop.

"*sigh* Nevermind. You should rest, for now. You're physically and emotionally exhausted, let's talk again tomorrow when you feel a lot better, okay?" Tian Zi whispered, putting Fyre's clothes back but as he did so, the Omega held on to his clothes but didn't say anything. Tian Zi was confused because his lover was still sobbing uncontrollably and it was probably difficult for him to talk.

"What is it? Tell me, I'll do anything for you, Fyre," Tian Zi asked with his softest tone. He brushed Fyre's cheeks with his thumbs catching the dripping tears and he smiled helplessly seeing the Omega's lips tremble that he leaned close to kiss it briefly until he eventually showered Fyre with kisses to his cheeks, his nose, his eyes, his forehead before he finally pulled away and smiled.

"It's okay. You can tell me," He said again and this time, they looked at each other. Fyre was still sobbing but he calmed down a little feeling touched at what Tian Zi had just done to him so pulled the Alpha close until their lips closed again and this time longer. Fyre led the kiss and tried to dominate but because of his sobs, he soon pulled away as he just couldn't stop himself from crying especially since Tian Zi was treating him so preciously that his emotions were mixed. Meanwhile, after the kiss, Tian Zi blinked his eyes before he held Fyre again.

"On second thought, do you want to do it? Just nod if you want to--" Tian Zi asked again, thinking the Omega might have wanted it after all after that kiss but he wasn't able to finish his words when Fyre immediately nodded and kissed him again. This time instead of letting the Omega dominate him, Tian Zi began to move and deepened the kiss. He towered over Fyre and continued to kiss him swallowing his sobs until Fyre chose to pull away finding it difficult to breathe.

"Are you sure you want it?" Tian Zi asked again just to make sure and when Fyre nodded again, still not talking. On the other hand, when Tian Zi saw his response he smiled helplessly and finally did everything the Omega wanted him to do.

Their days were spent just like that as they made love every chance they got. Fyre was still depressed and no matter how much Tian Zi tried to make him feel at ease, he just couldn't shake off the sadness in his heart unless they were making love and he was being filled to the brim. However, that too was only a brief solution to the sadness he was feeling. One time he would feel relieved and start to hope and then the second time he would feel depressed knowing that it might not work no matter how much they tried.

Needless to say, Tian Zi was becoming even more worried because Fyre had never been like this but he indulged him anyway and made sure that he was accompanying him all the time.

Of course, Fyre wanted this feeling to quickly go away. It wasn't just Tian Zi. It just seems like he wasn't helping himself but he's trying hard but every time his mind becomes unoccupied, he would then start becoming anxious. It's like his past self had come back and was hunting him down not allowing him to be happy. Even when he tried finding things he could do to distract himself, it still wasn't effective.

Though for the most part, Tian Zi was very good at keeping him company, there were still always moments when he felt empty. Moments when his mind was left unoccupied, his nightmares would suddenly come rushing before his eyes. This was the most difficult thing about depression and anxiety because no matter how strong-willed a person was, his own thoughts will eventually break up their walls. It's unavoidable and he tried but it was almost hopeless. No matter how a person tells themselves that everything will be fine, thoughts about the opposite would still crowd one's thoughts. It's the worst combination ever and no one wants that, including Fyre.

"You're crying again," Tian Zi mentioned softly, as he neared Fyre to whisper against his ear. He wrapped his arms around him as his palms began to travel his body. Truthfully, there was nothing else he could do to Fyre to help him feel at ease except to make him forget whatever he was thinking. Tian Zi soon pulled Fyre on top of him as he sat up and wiped Fyre's tears.

"I-I'm sorry... I couldn't help it..." Fyre mumbled, wiping his tears and slumping down which Tian Zi just responded with a helpless smile.

"You know, an angry face really suits you better than a sad one... But you're much much prettier with a smile," Tian Zi coed, caressing Fyre's back as they hugged in their position.

"Stupid! Who said I want to be pretty!? I prefer being called handsome," Fyre chuckled, which also made Tian Zi laugh a little, relieved that he had made his lover laugh. But of course, he knew Fyre desired to be masculine despite his feminine features.

"Yeah, yeah... you are handsome... maybe?" Tian Zi teased, making Fyre sit up with his red nose and eyes as he pouted.

"Why did you have to add maybe!? Tch. No pastries for you today!" Fyre continued to pout, making Tian Zi chuckle again. It's sad that there are no pastries for him but the sacrifice was worth it. At least, his beloved had smiled. Reaching out to caress his lover's cheeks, Tian Zi gazed at Fyre tenderly. His thumb moved in a loving manner before slowly they drew close.

"I love you," Tian Zi whispered as their lips were inches apart. Needless to say, his statement had made Fyre blush and before their lips finally closed Fyre responded the same exact words to the Alpha. In his mind, he was glad that even though he was going through a lot emotionally, Tian Zi had never given up on him. He remained patient and understanding, he took care of him, and most of all made him feel like he was the most special person in the world... And he was, at least in Tian Zi's world.

"Do you want to have a short go?" Tian Zi asked as soon as their lips separated and without needing to say his words, Fyre nodded, making the Alpha smile. "Then you can move as much as you like on top like this," Tian Zi added, showering Fyre with kisses. Back then, things used to be so awkward but after a while—and a lot of lovemaking, the two of them became extremely comfortable with each other that to some extent, they no longer felt embarrassed showing their bodies to each other.

Nodding at the suggestion, Fyre didn't say more as his cheeks became flushed from both his cries earlier and now embarrassment but his hands didn't hesitate and soon reached out to grope on Tian Zi's half erection. He tugged on it a little and very soon it was standing hard and long that he struggled to wrap it with his small hands.

"If you continue doing that, should I eat first too?"

"No... Y-You don't need to do that... I want your warm semen inside me quickly," Fyre confessed bluntly, shutting Tian Zi from talking again because even though he knew what was the reason behind the Omega's words, he just couldn't help but feel even more aroused. In fact, with how much they've been doing for the last couple of days, he liked it so much but he was still unable to satisfy himself fully. He still wanted to repeatedly breed Fyre that he's thinking he might be in a rut soon.

Alpha's usually get ruts when triggered by an Omega's pheromones but on rare occasions, they could also go into a rut naturally. It happened to him before, although not so often. Back then it was such a pain since he only spent those painful days masturbating but now, he wondered how it would feel with Fyre since, for some reason, his pheromones seemed to be hiding when they used to come out at random times.

"Then let me put it in and fill you again and again," Tian Zi growled uncontrollably, using his Alpha tone.

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To be Continued...