Push and Pull

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"So, what did he say?" Fyre asked as soon as they reached their room. Tian Zi said earlier that his talk with Mo Laotian went well but he wanted to know what the Alpha said exactly since their enemy was the secretary of defense of the state. Fyre didn't doubt Mo Laotian's capabilities but even for him, it might not be that easy.

Truthfully, this was the first time he learned who was Lucien's Boss as well. He was a newbie and was not given heavy tasks when he was with them but he did remember covering up some things for the man, although back then he was not the secretary of the State and instead, was just a small-time city mayor. He didn't know if the man was already the boss from back then or if he just climbed up to that position until he became the secretary, but for sure he's the boss now.

What's more alarming was about the rumors of him planning to run for the presidency in the next election. And because of his great public image—which was obviously a front—that dream might actually not be impossible. Back then he didn't pay much attention to politics so he didn't notice a man like him managed to climb to his current position, but a man like that becoming the president, will definitely ruin their nation. Fyre is no saint but he was no devil as well. If possible, even if the Secretary cooperates with Mo Laotian, he does not want him to rule their country.

"He said he'd help but he wanted us to stay low for now. I think he will try and negotiate with the secretary before doing something reckless. We'll have to be prepared though when the negotiation doesn't go well. For now, let's just wrap up your movie." Tian Zi replied while taking his shirt off, planning to take a shower because his body felt hot from the liquor he took.

"Hmmm, that's good. Your brother is truly capable," Fyre smiled, a faint blush flashed on his cheeks as he watched his lover's body display in front of him. Yes, he had seen it multiple times already but that does not mean he's already immune to it.

Quickly ending their conversation, Fyre tried not to stare too much as he turned back planning to fix the already neat bed but before he took more steps away, Tian Zi had wrapped his arms around his narrow waist, capturing him before kissing his nape softly.

"Let's take a shower together, my body feels hot," Tian Zi whispered, his breath fanning against Fyre's sensitive skin and before the Omega could reply, he lifted him up in their position before he started walking towards the bathroom.

"Ahh, no! Y-You go take it first... Ahh, stupid! Stop it! Ahh~" Fyre whined as he struggled helplessly but as usual, Tian Zi was stubborn and soon they reached the shower room in the midst of their bicker. Tian Zi didn't put Frye down yet as he instantly twisted the faucet open so that they would get wet. This way, Fyre would be forced to take a shower with him.

When he was sure the Omega was wet all over, he put him down and smiled at him playfully. Meanwhile, Fyre contained himself as he didn't want to get angry at his childish and mischievous lover.

"Hehe, why are you being shy now? We take showers together all the time," Tian Zi chuckled, seeing that Fyre was already glaring at him like a wet puppy.

"Exactly! That's why I didn't want to," Fyre growled before he rubbed his wet face in annoyance. The reason why he didn't want to go shower with Tian Zi this time was obviously because showering together does not just end up with a shower. The Alpha always finds ways for him to agree to indulge him but right now he's feeling sluggish. It's not that he doesn't want to have sex but they've already done it so many times earlier this morning and for the past days that he believed that it's starting to affect his body now.

"Hey, I know that you're not feeling well and we've been doing it a lot lately so I won't tire you tonight. I promise it's only a shower... Come on, take off your clothes since it's already wet," Tian Zi assured and urged the Omega to take off his clothes. Meanwhile, looking at his lover, Fyre doesn't believe the Alpha since he already said that a few times before and they still end up doing it—not that he didn't consent to it and the fact that he still enjoyed it at the end—but still.

". . ." Raising his eyebrows in doubt, Fyre continued to glare at his lover, to which Tian Zi only responded with another smile as he persistently convinced him to strip.

Giving up sighing, Fyre finally decided to just take off his clothes since he's already wet. But while doing so, he noticed how the Alpha's Adam's apple moved up and down after he finished taking off his shirt exposing his bare chest marked with lovebites from yesterday's and this morning's lovemaking. Fyre's brows raised again and continued to observe what the Alpha would do as he began to unbuckle his pants as well.

Finally, all naked, Fyre looked at Tian Zi's flushed cheeks and he knew immediately what he was thinking. It's not been long since they became lovers but Fyre knew Tian Zi very well so he didn't hesitate to grab the Alpha's groin against his wet pants and smirked when he felt his penis already half erect.

"Ahh! W-Why are you suddenly grabbing me?" Tian Zi exclaimed in surprise before he pulled Fyre's hand away from his groin because that was definitely a dangerous move. He just promised he wouldn't do anything so definitely he wouldn't do anything but that does not mean that he would not get aroused seeing his lover's naked body. The soft and beautiful body displayed for him to see alone. How can he not be tempted by it?! That's already a given!

"Because you're aroused just by seeing me naked. How are you going to shower like that?"

"Well, it's natural that I would get aroused seeing you naked in front of me, that's already a given! But, I can still shower, Silly. Just don't mind it," Tian Zi assured but his eyes peered at those pinkish and inverted nipples, acting as if he was to jump Fyre any second. He was so tempted to grab those cute little breasts before sucking on them hard until the sensitive bids that he enjoyed rolling his tongue over peeks out for him to tease over and over again.

"How can I not mind it if it's going to poke on me every time, Stupid!?" Fyre yelled flustered. He can't believe the Alpha just asked him to ignore his erection because that's obviously not going to happen. He'll definitely be conscious of it the whole time. Not to mention, the way he looked at him clearly says he wanted to do it and it's making his body respond without wanting to.

"I'll just leave my boxers on so stay in the shower with me, okay? I promise I'll be nice," Tian Zi insisted before he pulled Fyre close to kiss him on his cheeks. Fyre continued to blush and he couldn't help feeling guilty, listening to his inner thought's scoldings. Tian Zi was always willing to pleasure him anytime he wanted but when it comes to him, he would decline. Tian Zi wouldn't decline if he asked for it and he's always so considerate of him so it felt like it would be unfair for the Alpha if he didn't indulge him at least one or two times.

'Maybe I should do it with him one time, though I feel like something's wrong with my body right now. Am I sick? But doctor Feng didn't mention anything like that.' Fyre thought in the end. As long as the Alpha isn't too rough, he can still do it. After that he'll just tell Tian Zi he's too tired already and that he might faint if they did more.

"Tch. As if that's going to make me feel better..."

"But it's not like I can tell it to not be aroused..." Tian Zi chuckled. Honestly, he's fine. Of course, it would be nice to do it at least one time but he'd prefer to do it in the bed with Fyre riding him so he can see all the view and savor it. Doing it in the shower would put a lot of toll on their bodies unless they wanted just a quick release. But what he wanted was a long and passionate one that would satisfy his undying desires. The bed would be the best option for that but then again, he won't do it because he knew Fyre needed rest. After all, even before fainting from his panic attack, Fyre was already seemingly weaker than usual and it's definitely not because he was depressed.

"Fine... I'll let you do it with me just one time," Fyre said but it was almost a whisper that Tian Zi almost didn't manage to hear because of the sound of the shower in the background but thankfully he did that he's now gawking at his lover waking up from his thoughts as if it was the most shocking thing that Fyre agreed.

"Ehh?" Lost for words, Tian Zi reacted in surprise.

"What?! You don't want to?"

"Ehh no, no... I do, but aren't you tired? You don't have to force yourself, I'm really fine if you can't... Honestly, I'll be fine with just your hands or thighs," Tian Zi said shyly. He had great stamina so he'll be fine doing it every day but Fyre's different so he didn't want to tire him too much and make him suffer.

"Tch. Do I look like I'm forcing myself?" Fyre asked impatiently. He didn't know if Tian Zi was doing it on purpose or not but he can't believe the Alpha made it look like he was the one who wanted it now. Can't he just be happy that he said he'd do it? Why does he have to reject him like this?

"But your body..." Tian Zi tried to reason but Fyre cut off his words.

"Do you want it or not?" Fyre asked, feeling irritated at this push-and-pull scenario. Honestly, he wondered why it was always like this when wants to do it. Can't they just do it without much of a talk? Well, of course, this was because of him being so sensitive before but it's really embarrassing to verbally give his consent every time.

"I-I want to...but not here. Let's shower quickly and do it in our bed, okay?" Tian Zi cooed, knowing that if he continued on insisting that he wouldn't do it, Fyre would become mad at him.

"Fine." Fyre scuffed before he turned around and took the soap. Tian Zi, on the other hand, remained silent as he finally took off his pants leaving his boxers on wanting to finish showering already because each second passed with the lustful things in his mind, and he knew he wouldn't be able to last long.

* * *

No words were exchanged from then on and as they finished showering and later silently dried their hair and bodies, both of them suddenly didn't know what to do. It was as if this was the first time that they were feeling nervous from the anticipation. Both their cheeks were flushed until finally, Tian Zi couldn't hold it anymore and pressed his body against Fyre who was pretending to be busy by brushing his hair.

"Fyre, let's go to bed," Tian Zi whispered, kissing the Omega's ears. Fyre shivered because of it but he didn't talk and instead just nodded. From there, time flew by. Tian Zi was laying on the bed on his back as he grabbed Fyre was currently sitting on his face. At first, Fyre didn't want to but in the end, he had no choice but to submit.

"Ahhh~ Hmmm…"

"Damn, you're so wet," Tian Zi commented, slurping all the clear fluid that kept on gushing out from the Omega gaping hole. And as if his eyes lit, Tian Zi watched Fyre moan in mess while desperately onto the bed's headboard for support. He could no longer wait and he wanted to be inside him in this instance.

"Fuck. I think you're ready." Tian Zi said in urgency, prompting Fyre to come down which the Omega did obediently because he too couldn't wait for long.

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To be Continued...