Who’s the Real Lover?!

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"Good evening, Mr. Mo. What brings you here today?" The secretary of defense asked as he welcomed Mo Laotian into the auditorium room and offered him a seat across from him. He was surprised that the Alpha scheduled a meeting with him because they didn't usually talk unless something was up, which usually involves crime.

"I think you already have an idea as to why I am here today, Mr. Secretary," Laotian replied enigmatically, making the secretary confused because he truly didn't have an idea and as far as he knew, he would never try to implicate Mo Laotian with his business so the problem he's having now was nothing to do with the Mos… or so he thought.

"I'm truly unaware. Can you enlighten me? You took the trouble to come here, after all, I'll gladly help if it's in line with my capabilities," The secretary said and his expression shows how truly unaware he was. Seeing this, Laotian looked at the politician dead serious and when he saw that he wasn't lying at all, he leaned back to the chair relaxing his back before he crossed his legs.

"You should know that I am aware that you're currently in a tight spot... with what's been happening lately," Laotian started. He paused briefly and continued as if it was such a bother to talk and explain himself to the man even though he was the one who scheduled a meeting. Meanwhile, hearing Laotian's words, the secretary frowned before he had a realization. He hoped he was wrong but it is most likely that his hunch was right.

"Seeing your reaction, I guess you know why I'm here," Laotian soon added as he didn't want to waste more of his precious time with the politician.

"D-Don't tell me it was the Mos?" The secretary asked in frustration as he looked at Laotian but when he saw no change in the Alpha's expression, his body suddenly started shaking in anger. He did not do anything to offend Mo Laotian or any members of their goddamned family so he didn't know why he was being targeted.

"What's the reason?!" He asked, still shaking as he clenched his hands into a fist. He at least has the right to know the answer.

"Nothing in particular..." Laotian began and when the secretary shot his eyes at him filled with rage but he too returned the glare before he continued, "but your VIPs touched one of the Sullens, I simply could not let it go when my wife wanted to help his family, right?" Laotian continued, his eyes getting sharper and sharper. Of course, he wouldn't say to the man that his youngest brother unintentionally made a mistake since they didn't know that such an influential man was behind the filthy organization, it's better to let the secretary know that it was him who did it. Either way, he's still going to fix everything if things get out of hand.

"Mr. Mo, what our customers do has nothing to do with my business. We shouldn't be targeted for it. This is unreasonable!"

"Unreasonable? In the first place if your business didn't exist, would any of this have happened? And didn't you already dispose of those customers? Who else should I target when they're dead? Be thankful I'm no longer going to dig up the things that my own wife had experienced because if I knew it was also your business that had led all to that, I'm going to feed you and your men to the lions," Laotian replied dangerously. His voice was calm but one could feel the pressure along with it. The secretary is also a dominant Alpha but he was far from Mo Laotian. He could never compete with him but at what Laotian had just said, he didn't know if he should be relieved or offended. Still, he couldn't help but retaliate a bit.

"Then what do you suppose for me to do?? There must have been something since you came here yourself," the secretary gritted, suppressing his anger. It's not that he was afraid of Mo Laotian but knowing that his power wasn't enough to destroy the man without sacrificing everything he had, he needed to yield down. Of course, it would be the same thing with Mo Laotian but comparing the two of them, he's got a lot more things to lose than the businessman.

"It's good that you're easy to talk to... I just need you to stop doing whatever it is that you're doing. I've already saved you a lot of time by coming here so if we have an agreement of settling this peacefully, then stop. Otherwise, you will not like what would happen." Laotian threatened. He was glad that the talk was going so well so far. While the secretary does look like he was not happy at all with his revelation, it's not like the man was dumb enough to really retaliate. Well, he's welcome to if he wanted but as he had already said, the secretary will definitely not like it.

Silence suddenly filled the room. Laotian was right, he wasn't stupid to go on an all-out fight when he had already lost a lot with what had happened. "I understand. I will ask my men to stop the investigation..." the secretary said at the end with a frustrated sigh. Right in this instance, he just wanted this conversation to end quickly and have hard liquor in his system. Furthermore, he left all the work to his most trusted underling, and if he wanted to halt the revenge operation, he needed to talk to the man as soon as possible before he did anything of his own accord.

"Glad that this meeting went well. In exchange, you have my support in the next election. That is unless… you do something to break our agreement," Laotian said and was quick to stand up. He too dying to go home to his lovely wife and children.

"I know you already know that none of this is making me happy, Mr. Mo but you have my words," the politician said using his dominant voice trying to intimidate Laotian. Unfortunately, not affected at all, the younger Alpha just flashed a smirk.

"I will trust that," Laotian replied, still smirking before he finally turned back and walked towards the door where one of his men opened the door for him and followed his back as he stepped out of the room. He briefly checked his watch and a small smile reached his lips when he knew he still had time to buy some desserts to bring back home.

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[@Chandelle What in the hell is going on? There is no way a simple personal assistant would do such a thing! They're definitely lovers! They can't deny that this time like with Apollo,]

[@I<3Life I know right? I don't know what to believe anymore! I was shipping Fyre Long to Apollo when suddenly Duke got involved and now his personal assistant too?! I mean, he's handsome but Fyre Long already has Apollo, right? Or is he cheating on him? He's got so many men involved with him! That includes Mo Tian Zi, Jonathan Wood, and also just recently, he turned out to be long-time friends with Paul Hymlyn from the Hymlyn corporation. I saw some discussion that Paul and Fyre looked very close as if lovers,]

[@JunkAnimeGRX I never knew about Paul Hymlyn but I don't know what to believe anymore since Fyre never goes out to clear the situation aside from his management's statement for him.]

[@mangcleaf Where does he live anyway? I'm going there to demand an answer! I don't want my sweet Rey and Reyna to be played with such a player. Fyre Long would just ruin my favorite novel.]

[@RachelFreeman Count me in! There's no way I'm going to let some slut play with my Apollo.]

[@Nera Urgh. I was one of those people who were happy when Fyre Long was cast as the main lead but now I feel regretful. If he's a whore then I do not like him anymore.]

[@Pao Same! He's only been in the industry for like 5-6 months and he's drawing too much attention in this kind of way. I'm very disappointed but at the same time, Moonlight is almost done with filming.]

[@dra.vento03 No way I'm gonna let some bitch ruin my favorite novel T.T]

After moving into the hotel room near their next filming location, Julie Walker called Tian Zi for an emergency. Since both Tian Zi and Fyre had been very busy and had no time to even sit down and scroll to social media especially since they were supposed just to go back home, pack some things and then leave again but after Julie called, the two of them went ahead and read some of the latest articles in the entertainment news section and indeed it was something they did not expect.

Titles like [Who's the real lover?] or [Fyre Long has many men!] and then suggestive photos of Fyre and Apollo in that restaurant before and another photo of him and Tian Zi inside their car with the Alpha kissing the Omega's hand. Although it wasn't a very clear photo, the fact that it was Tian Zi as Zian McCarthy and Fyre in the photo was very clear. And people were right, if Zian McCarthy was just a simple personal assistant, he would have not kissed Fyre's hand but that wasn't the case. Fyre is his fiance and he had every right to kiss or hug him anywhere he wanted. He agreed to keep their engagement a secret but he will not let it slide if people start to hate his lover just because of this. Although he didn't really care about other people's opinions, Fyre was different. He's very insecure and a lot of the time has low self-esteem, which Tian Zi was surprised when he got to know the Omega for many years.

"Isn't it time for us to come out? I know mother and father are staying quiet but I bet they're more eager than anyone else. Besides, I can't stand still like this if things like this happen just because of that goddamned movie," Tian Zi said with a serious expression as he looked at Fyre who actually had the same idea in mind. However, with what had been going on with Lucien and Apollo, he also didn't want to reveal that Tian Zi is actually his lover and that Zian McCarthy is just the Alpha in disguise. He was afraid that if this truth was to go out, Lucien, who was obsessed with him, would hurt Tian Zi. He absolutely didn't want that to happen.

So even though he's tired of hiding, the situation wasn't very favorable for them. He wasn't showing it, but he was actually terrified that something dangerous might happen, especially since Mo Laotian hasn't contacted them yet about his transaction with the secretary of defense. Still, even if that transaction went well or not, he didn't think Lucien Sky would just listen to that easily. The man is a psychopath. Fyre watched him going crazy looking for him. If it was not because the Alpha was ordered to leave the country, his obsession would have reached its peak and would have captured him long ago.

"I understand what you feel but I'm afraid. What if something happens to you?" Fyre conveyed as he took a step closer to Tian Zi and held his arm before caressing it softly.

"Why me? Didn't I tell you that I will be fine? You don't need to worry about me, Fyre. If anything, I'm worried about you." Tian Zi replied worriedly. He couldn't help but wonder, does he look so unreliable to the Omega that's why he couldn't stop worrying about his well-being? It made him happy that Fyre cared about him so much but he truly could take care of himself. He's dealt with many dangerous people as he grew up since he's always a target for kidnappings due to his family's business.

"Okay. What if something dangerous happens to us?" Fyre paraphrased. Hearing this, Tian Zi reached out for his lover's cheeks and smiled helplessly.

"That's why we need to finish filming. After this, we're going to lie low until our wedding day. We only have a few months left and we haven't told your parents yet about us," Tian Zi said, making Fyre pout.

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To be Continued...

A/N: Hi, starting today I will go back to posting 2 Chapters a week. This is because it is already summer break and I will be resting from University life. I have decided that I will focus on writing this summer instead of taking summer classes because I know how much I have almost neglected you all during this whole time I got back from school. I will try my best to catch up with you guys and if you want to support me while doing this, it will greatly motivate me if you support me on my Patreon page, buymeacoffee, or paypal.