Mine At Last (2)

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"We're only letting you in because Mave insisted that he wanted to see you so don't think that we've accepted your relationship. We still hope that you two break up before your relationship causes harm to him and to you," Ashton Sullen said with a frown, blocking Paul's way toward Maverick's hospital room. It might be because he was a dominant Alpha that he sounded superior despite his younger age but Paul didn't back down either.

It had been 12 hours since Maverick returned and ever since he heard the news, he had been continuously asking the brothers to let him see Maverick, alas, he was not granted entry until now.

"I understand," Paul replied with a serious expression. He understood the younger Alpha's sentiments. He knew it wouldn't be easy for his and Maverick's relationship to be accepted. Even though it wasn't well-known, he used to be Daniel's lover before he became Daniella's fiance. It wouldn't be good if the public discovered that he's now in a relationship with Maverick, yet another Sullen. An issue might come out that would harm both their families.

Regardless, he and Maverick refused to acknowledge their refusal and continued to date anyway. Even though their relationship didn't start with them having feelings for each other, they really enjoyed spending time with each other. The missing piece that both of them needed was filled and now, he didn't think it would be possible for him to live like he did before he got closer to Maverick. He felt like if he broke up with Maverick now, he'd never feel complete ever again. It's different from what he had felt for Fyre.

But he became selfish and overconfident. He thought he'd be able to protect Maverick from the public, his parents, and everyone else that would hurt him, but he was wrong. In the end, the Omega got kidnapped and he was helpless as he watched Maverick get taken away. Even though he didn't anticipate that something like this would happen, he should have still been able to protect the Omega.

At that moment, when Maverick was taken away from him as he watched helplessly, it felt like his soul—that had just gotten back together—broke again. He felt his world collapse. It was something he didn't quite understand at first but now he wanted to confirm it.

". . ." Crossing his arms as he silently moves out of the way, Ashton didn't say anything. Honestly, if the situation wasn't so complicated, he and Joaquinn wouldn't have been against their relationship especially if Maverick really liked Paul but considering the fact that the Alpha was already once their cousin's fiance, it wouldn't look good and their poor brother would receive criticism. If the situation were different, they would not have gone against Maverick's decision. Paul is a good man, they know because they grew up closely together because of the family business. Although they weren't that close, they are still considered childhood friends and he could assure that the Alpha does not mean any harm to their brother.

Just that, the path they chose was a rough one. Maverick had just gone through something horrifying, they didn'tthem want him to be harmed in any way possible even if it would mean that they would be restricting his happiness as well.

"Thank you," Paul expressed before finally opening the door so he could walk inside. Thankfully, as far as he had heard, Maverick was unharmed although he needed to see him in person to confirm that. He was a little disappointed that the Omega didn't look for him as soon as he came back and instead looked for Mo Tian Zi but he was glad that he was finally called. He had been waiting for so long since he knew he wouldn't be able to see Maverick on his own unless the Omega called for him himself.

Walking deeper inside the room, Paul's expression quickly softened when he saw Maverick sitting on the bed. They immediately locked eyes and without even realizing it, both of them rushed toward each other. Maverick wasn't able to hold back himself and hastily got off of the bed so he could hug his lover.

"Be careful you, I heard you were weakened when they found you. How can you move abruptly like that?" Paul said dotingly as he hugged his lover back before he lifted him into his arms and walked towards the bed where he gently laid him down onto the bed.

"I'm fine. They didn't really hurt me. It was me who refused to eat anything they gave me," Maverick replied, trying hard to hide the blush he had on his cheeks. When he was still captive, all he could think about most of the time was Paul and wonder if the Alpha was worried about him and now that he was actually seeing him, he couldn't help himself.

"Still, you need to rest more..." Paul insisted before he too sat on the bed and caressed Maverick's cheeks. However, his blush soon disappeared when he noticed the bandage the Alpha had on his head. He was so excited to finally see him again that he didn't notice it until now. Immediately, memories of the night he was kidnapped flashed in his mind and his expression quickly turned ghastly in horror.

"Oh my god, Paul! You're hurt!" Maverick exclaimed in worry before he reached out toward his lover's wound but not touching it for fear that he would hurt the Alpha. Meanwhile, seeing Maverick horrified expression, a tender smile flashed on Paul's lips. He didn't say anything and just stared at Maverick who became more frantic.

"How can you worry about me when you're the one who's hurt? I remembered you were bleeding heavily at that time. Are you okay?" Maverick asked, his tears already threatening to fall but he quickly wiped them and frowned seeing the Alpha's expression.

"Why are you smiling? There's nothing funny about this!" Maverick clamored. He can't believe Paul was smiling while he's all worried for him.

Of course, seeing Maverick all worked up, Paul couldn't help but stare at him even more. Now he was quite sure. He's no longer capable of living without the Omega. It is true that their relationship started off as a mutual agreement without feelings involved but now, that has changed. He liked him. He truly liked him. He liked him more than he had liked Fyre and it felt so right. He had never felt this before, even with both Daniel and Daniella.

Reaching for Maverick's cheeks, Paul continued to stare at the Omega without talking. And as expected, Maverick got confused at the Alpha's sudden behavior but he let him do what he wanted anyway and stared back at Paul. At this point on, none of them was aware until the last second that the distance between their lips was only a couple of inches away. Both of them froze because obviously, their relationship wasn't like that but at the same time, none of them wanted to pull away.

Quickly, their hearts began to beat faster and louder. As if they were in sync. Paul didn't know what to do because he was afraid that if he kissed Maverick he'd be rejected but if he pulled away, the Omega would be offended. He was still contemplating what to do when his eyes widened seeing Maverick closing his eyes indicating that he was waiting for his kiss. Instantly, his heart stopped at the consent given to him before a soft smile reached his lips and of course, he didn't make Maverick wait for long and closed the remaining distance that they had.

The kiss was sweet and surprisingly filled with longing. It lasted long taking both their breaths away. Paul deepened the kiss and he was happy Maverick gave him access. Paul instantly to the chance to explore the sweet cavern as much as he could before they both finally decided to separate with heavy breaths, staring once again at each other's eyes.

"W-what was that?" Maverick was the first to ask, biting his lower lip. He could still feel the lingering sensation on both his lips and tongue and couldn't stop himself from blushing a deep shade of red. He did give his permission when he closed his eyes but he was also prepared if the Alpha decided to back out. After all, their relationship wasn't like that. They were friends who enjoyed each other's company. Though it might be a little too early for him to develop feelings for each other especially after both of them confessed to Tian Zi and Fyre, he also can't deny his feelings.

He liked Paul. Why wouldn't he? He's nice, sweet, and caring. He's different from most Alphas that he had met. He wasn't arrogant or disrespectful. In fact, he was very understanding and patient. How can he not fall for him? He made him feel special even though he didn't need to. Even though he wasn't asked to.

"Did you not like it?" Paul asked with a soft smile even though deep inside his mind he was eager and afraid to know what Maverick got to say. He could see the deep shade of red on the Omega's cheeks indicating that maybe he liked the kiss however the confused and disbelieving expression he had somehow doubted his thoughts. He was afraid that Maverick would think of his actions negatively.

"Well... Hnnn, I did like it," Maverick responded shyly, thinking he had no reason to lie. It was the first time ever that someone had kissed him like that, with so much care and longing. It felt like he was truly loved and cared for. It felt like he was desired not in a lustful way.

"Really? I'm happy," Paul exclaimed in surprise while secretly feeling relieved. He couldn't help himself and suddenly pulled Maverick into a hug. The moment he saw Maverick when he entered the hospital room earlier, he knew right away. He knew right away that his feelings for the Omega had changed. Honestly, he's still wondering how he managed to live life all this time without Maverick. It's like he had lost his memories of the past years he spent in Europe and could only recall the past few months he spent with the Omega. They truly completed each other and each day together felt so fulfilling. And losing that now, he might not know what to do anymore.

"Hmmn, b-but why did you k-kiss me?" Maverick asked again, chewing on his lips. He's happy that Paul is happy but he needs to know the answer. Or else he'd spend the rest of the day thinking about it. Meanwhile, hearing the question, Paul pulled away from their hug before he looked at Maverick's eyes filled with sincerity.

"I know our relationship started like a business transaction but now... I think I like you and I was hoping to try us. For real this time if you feel the same way," Paul confessed, summoning all the courage he had. The last time he confessed to someone—Fyre—he got rejected, so he's feeling nervous. Afraid that he's going to get rejected again. Nevertheless, he had to confess, or else he'd never be able to settle down his mind and heart. It felt like if he didn't confess now, he'd lose the chance to be with Maverick despite how he looked.

Paul looked at Maverick and even though it wasn't visible on his face, he was hopeful. Unfortunately, he immediately felt disappointed when Maverick looked hesitant.

"You don't need to force yourself to answer. You're not obligated to return my feelings either... J-Just let me stay with you... like this. I'm not hoping for anything—" Paul said in a hurry and somewhat regretted that he confessed, however, he was quickly stopped by Maverick with a downcast expression by covering his mouth. Truthfully, he was happy because felt the same way but at the same time, it was agonizing because he knew that he did not deserve the Alpha at all. He's a dirty person, a lot of men had already used him and he can't help but think that Paul deserved better.

". . ." Maverick didn't say anything. He looked at Paul with a saddened expression. He liked Paul and was happy that the Alpha felt the same way, but he was not worthy of such love.

"Paul, you deserve better…"

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To be Continued…