Should've Listened

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"There you are. You think you can hide your scent from me? You can't escape from me Fyre," Lucien chirped as he licked his eager lips. Meanwhile, in a daze, Fyre looked up disoriented. He never expected this would happen to him in the midst of his escape. He knew something was odd when he got inside Mitchel Sky's room but he ignored it because hiding was his top priority. And when he discovered what was really wrong and what it's doing to his body, it was already all too late.

"L-Let him go, Lucien!" Mitchel yelled from her bed as she tried to get up. However, the Alpha just ignored her and proceeded to lift Fyre in his arms.

"Mitch, I'll forgive you this one time... but there won't be another one," Lucien warned, using his dominant tone, making her tremble in submission. It hurts her to see that the man she loved is holding another Omega but at the same time, she feared that the Alpha would really hurt her. She may have loved Lucien for many years but she also feared him because she knew Lucien wasn't the kind to kid around when he's pissed off. Truthfully, the only person he was ever tolerant... was with Fyre.

"L-let go..." Fyre mumbled weakly, hopelessly trying to struggle out of the Alpha's hold. Unfortunately despite his attempt, there was just no strength in him anymore. It might have been just for a few minutes but Fyre's already weakened by his heat. Even though it was only triggered by another Omega, it felt like the kind of heat that should have been happening to him every month but did not because apparently he was recessive.

"Stop being so stubborn. Your body is asking for me," Lucien frowned, his breath had become labored before he began walking. As much as he wanted to immediately claim Fyre for himself, the scent of another Omega trying to also take over his senses irritated him. Lucien shifted his gaze towards Mitchel before he shooted her his glare.

"Settle down..." He said and released his heavy and domineering pheromones that quickly made Mitchel tremble even more. Even though she was submissive, she was pretty good at controlling her pheromones so even though Fyre's strong pheromones were trying to attack her, she had been able to maintain her condition by settling a barrier for herself. Unfortunately, even if she's good with control, she couldn't fight against a dominant Alpha like Lucien.

"I'll ask Apo to take care of you later... stay here and be good," Lucien added, after seeing the female Omega staggering in her bed as he finally arrived at the door. When he finished relaying his message, he left the room after closing the door. Meanwhile, watching the door close and later slightly creaking open because of the broken doorknob, Mitchel tears began to stream down her cheeks. She already knew she never had a chance, that her body was only conveniently there to relieve the Alpha's sexual tension all this time but she still hoped that one day Lucien would look at her way and realize it was her that's always been by his side and not anyone else.

Alas, reality was truly cruel towards her. She should have given up long ago when she discovered Lucien had been obsessing with the same Omega for more than ten years.

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"L-Let go~" Fyre whined, tears streaming down his face. He did not like it! He absolutely did not like it at all. He did like that even though he was already mated to Tian Zi, his body was still reacting like this towards another Alpha.

"I already said not to be stubborn... I'll nail down your body soon so don't be impatient,"Lucien growled, barely able to hold back himself. Since he's a dominant Alpha, an Omega pheromone attacking him like this would definitely affect him. He was initially planning to enjoy his first time with Fyre but right now, that was not the priority.

"N-No~ Not you... I-I don't want you~" Fyre cried again helplessly. He had never felt so helpless in his life in situations like this. For the longest time now, it was Tian Zi who was always with him when he was in heat so he never had to be worried what might happen to him because he knew the Alpha would protect him no matter what. But this time, Tian Zi's not around and that's beginning to sink in making him even more fearful.

If he knew this was going to happen, he wouldn't have followed Lucien without a proper plan. In the least, he should have given Tian Zi more information. Now, he didn't think he'd be able to keep his promise to Tian Zi where he'd come back to him as soon as he could, safe and sound.

"Let's see if you can still say that after you have a taste of me," Lucien frowned. By now, Fyre's already deep in his heat but he wondered why a recessive Omega like him was still not begging for his touch and instead all this time had been eagerly trying to reject him. At first he thought that Fyre might be just being stubborn again but after a brief realization, his face turned hard. There is one more reason why this might have been the case, and that is, if Fyre might have been already mated with a different Alpha. It's the only explanation he could think of.

Normally, an Omega in heat—especially this deep in heat—would not have cared who the Alpha is as long as they got breeded. Even if their partner is a Beta or another Omega, they would not have cared as long as they were held and relieved of their craving bodies. That's just the way things are and it was viewed as normal despite the criticism. That's just the way Omega's are. But it will be different for a mated Omega. Even though they could still be affected by pheromones of another Alpha or Omega, and even if they could still be intimate with other partners, they won't turn totally crazy about it and instead, would in the end still look for their pair unless the bond was severed.

". . ." Standing by the door to his room, Lucien did not wait for another second and quickly twisted his door knob open. He absolutely did not like the idea that Fyre might have already been mated to a different Alpha. It was supposed to be him! He was supposed to be the one who will mate with him. Unfortunately, someone had touched his property when he was not around.

"Ack!" Shouting in surprise, Fyre laid on the bed after he was thrown on top of it. He looked around for a bit and this time, it was not the room where he was held captive earlier. It was a different room where traces of it being used was everywhere compared to the previous one. Well, he did not have to be a genius to know who's room they are now because obviously, it was Lucien's. Especially since the bed specifically smelled like him—not that he purposely smelled him or anything.

"I was planning to enjoy myself the first time we do it but right now I'm in a hurry," Lucien said as he began to strip his clothes. He had already taken so much of Fyre raging pheromones so his rut has also begun to take control of his body. And honestly, he didn't want that. He didn't care if people called him a madman since that was the real him but being in a situation where he's unable to take control of his own actions, he absolutely despises it. So before his Alpha instincts take him over, he needs to be the one to be with Fyre. Not another part of him who only cared about instincts.

". . ." With his tears still streaming down, pain began to overcome Fyre. It's been awhile since he went through this kind of heat again that he's starting to crave for an Alpha. Of course, his mind kept thinking about Tian Zi but his body was reacting to Lucien's pheromones as well. His body trembling, Fyre watched Lucien stand half naked on top of him. His eyes widened and could not help but gulp when he saw how the man fished out his standing erection and jerked it in front of him while breathing his curses. For some reason, Lucien seemed different than he was earlier, and it was evident that he was having a hard time.

"Did you like it? This will be inside you soon," Lucien still managed to smirk before he leaned down and whispered. He kissed Fyre's neck trying to strip the Omega's clothes as well but he was unable to continue when Fyre began pushing him away again. Because of this, Lucien frowned in displeasure and immediately captured such a disobedient hand.

"I told you not to be stubborn..." Lucien growled putting Fyre's hand on top of his head before he leaned down and kissed his gaping mouth. Once again, Fyre was surprised at the action. This was the second time Lucien had kissed him and unlike earlier when he had the strength to push the Alpha away, this time all he could do was cry as his body trembled at the sensation the kiss had brought him. He had no choice but to wait for it to end, which did not happen for a while making him breathless.

"Hmmmn, n-no... please~" Fyre begged as soon as his tortured lips were released and soon felt Lucien's hand unbuckle his pants. Of course, as expected the Alpha did not listen to his pleas and proceeded to rip the cloth off of Fyre's body before glaring at him thinking that Fyre really must have mated with that damn Mo Tian Zi for him to be able to resist his dominant pheromones.

". . .Please~ I-I don't want this~" Fyre begged again, tears continued to stream down at the side of his eyes as he once again tried to push Lucien away. He felt ashamed for turning into such a mess so even if the Alpha hit him for denying him over and over again, he would never give in and cheat on Tian Zi. Even if he never wanted this to happen and might not be considered cheating, he didn't think he'd be able to face his lover once again if he ever let another man touch him. Meanwhile, still glaring, Lucien's eyes became dangerous as he felt annoyed and frustrated.

"I should help you cut down the bond you have with that bastard," Lucien conveyed with a frown to which instantly made Fyre's eyes widen. He was unable to say anything, and even if he wanted to, Lucien was already forcing his leg open making him busy screaming his refusal.

"NOOO! Ahhh! P-Pleaseee~ Noooo... H-Help me, Zi!" Fyre screamed in horror and tried to kick. He cried and cried calling for Tian Zi's name but alas, he was well aware that the love of his life wouldn't come for him this time.

At the same time, hearing the Omega calling someone else's name in front of him, Lucien was no longer able to hold back and raised his hand against Fyre slapping him across his face which instantly busted the Omega's lips open on the side. At first, Fyre was not able to register it, the memories he had when he was almost taken advantage of long ago flashed in his mind along with his ringing ears. He already expected and anticipated that Lucien might snap on but it still hurt a lot especially when the Alpha used such great force almost making him faint at the impact.

"You did this to yourself, Fyre. You should've just stayed still when I said so..." Lucien growled, while continuing on settling himself against Fyre's wet and gaping entrance but before he could do it, the door to his room suddenly blasted open with a loud bang and quickly four men came rushing inside pointing their guns at him.

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To be Continued...