Thor's arrival.

Seth and Kirsten are sitting in the kitchen waiting for Ryan and Sandy to return form picking up Luthor, Ryan's brother.

"So he's a nerd? Seth asks after hearing what his mother said about Luthor.

"What no, just because he's good at math doesn't make him a nerd." Kirsten says defensively.

"Sure, sure." Seth says rolling his eyes.

"Seth be nice alright." Kirsten says sternly.

"Relax mom, if he's Ryan's brother than he's mine too." Seth tells her.

Kirsten smiles fondly at Seth.

Suddenly the door is opened and Kirsten and Seth can hear the voice of Sandy, " Wow a 4.0 GPA that's really impressive." Sandy

"Thank you sir." A respectful youthful sounding voice replies to Sandy.

"Please call me Sandy, calling me sir makes me feel old." Sandy says.

"Alright will do Sandy." The voice replies.

Sandy walks into the kitchen with Ryan and a tall teen standing at about 6'1, the teen has golden blonde hair and faded sides styled in a short quiff on top, he has a model handsome face which is only enhanced by his sparkling icy blue eyes. He's wearing a tight white tank top that shows off his chiseled chest and abs with a blue jeans jacket over the tank top and blue jeans with white sneakers.

Seth and Kirsten look at the boy shocked, he has this handsome movie star look to him, his face for a lack of words is quite nice to look at.

"Ok mom definitely not a nerd." Seth states.

Kirsten just nods at Seth's statement.

"Kirsten, Seth this is Thor." Sandy says gesturing at the handsome teen.

"Thor this is my wife and my son Seth." Sandy introduces.

"Oh nice to meet you and thank you for letting us stay with you." Thor says politely.

"Oh so polite." Kirsten says with a smile.

"Hey man it's nice to meet you, cool name by the way." Seth says stretching out his hand.

"Thanks Seth, it's nice to meet you aswell." Thor says and shakes Seth's hand.

"Alright since everyone's here let's get Thor and Ryan settled in the Pool house." Kirsten says with a smile.

Thor Pov.

I wasn't that shocked when Sandy Cohen and my brother showed up, it was a day I've been waiting for, for awhile now.

Driving to the Cohens house the glaring differences between pour and rich become obvious, here in the O.C everything's clearer, cleaner and if I'm not hallucinating it's even brighter.

Driving past the big houses I can't help but feel a little envious, unfortunately my savings right now only amount to $50000, and the big economic crash is coming soon, I'd like to invest in some real estate, you know when the great recession comes, many people will have to sell their houses and start renting, after that, I can invest in bitcoin, before it starts blowing up and Netflix and other popular business from my time.

Anyway when we finally arrive at the Cohen household, I was amazed at the beauty of the place, it was big but not overly so. The building looked very really good the architect did a good job when designing this house.

Walking inside I scanned the inside of the house it was littered with expensive vases and statues and paintings, the typical rich person home.

But meeting Sandy, Kirsten and Seth, I could tell they weren't your typical stuck up rich people, but from the show I'd already guessed that, but I didn't want to rely solely on my knowledge from the future and from the show, things are going to change because of my appearance, so I won't blindly follow the plot I'll do what I feel is right.

"Alright let's go to the pool room, uhmm Luthor is that all your stuff." Kirsten asks.

"Yes mam, unfortunately I don't own many things." Thor says with a wry smile.

"Oh that's ok, Ryan needs new clothes so we'll get you some aswell." Kirsten says kindly.

"Thank you for your kindness mam, I promise I'll repay you one day." Thor says seriously.

"Woah relax dude, there's no need for all that, you're family now." Seth says while walking behind me with Ryan.

"Seth's right Luthor there's no need to repay us, you're family now." Kirsten says with a kind smile.

"Thank you." Thor says with a warm smile.

We walk into the pool house which is decorated quite nicely, there's some couches, a nice wooden table, a big double bed, with enough space for like 4 people.

"We're going to need bedding, towels, uhh how's the bed Ryan is it comfortable enough?" Kirsten asks.

As she's speaking Seth plops on the bed and I follow him.

Wow this bed is so soft, Luthor thinks to himself feeling comfortable.

"Yea its... hehe... it's fine it's great." Ryan says while letting out a small chuckle at mine and Seth's actions.

"We really wanted you to have your privacy, that's why we're having the room next to Seth's renovated for Luthor, it'll take a few days so for now you and Luthor will be banking together." Kirsten explains.

"Don't worry we'll clean this all out for when you get your new stuff." Kirsten says pointing towards a few shelves stocked with towels and other junk.

"Alright we'll go shopping for pants and underwear, but first we'll need to get both you and Luthor a tux." Kirsten says.

"A Tux for what?" Ryan asks confused.

"For Cotillion." Kirsten answers.

"What's that." Luthor asks confused.

"Alright let's get going, I'll explain everything when we get to the country club.

We arrive at the country club about 10 minutes later.

As we get out the car Kirsten explains what a Cotillion is, "The Cotillion is the annual debutant ball it's NewPort's biggest event." Kirsten explains.

"Till whatever's next week." Seth comments sarcastically.

"It's the day when Newport's most accomplished young women make their formal debut into society." Kirsten explains.

"It's just an excuse for them to get wasted and throw up on themselves." Seth says to me and Ryan.

"Hey I was a deb, I made my debut at this very country club, not so many years ago." Kirsten tells us.

"Yea it was..." Seth starts to say.

"Hey watch it." Kirsten interrupt warning Seth playfully.

We walk into the country club and suddenly Ryan says.

"You know what maybe I should skip it." He says uncomfortablely.

"You have to go it's a family tradition and you're part of the family." Kirsten says warmly.

"Hello dear." An old women with dark red hair and high cheekbones says to Kirsten.

"Hi Peggy, how are you." Kirsten says as her and Peggy exchange air kisses.

"I'm good." Peggy says with a small smile.

"How's it going?" Kirsten asks politely.

"Oh it will be fine." Peggy says confidently.

"Ohh the fitting area is back there." Peggy says pointing towards her right.

"Thank you." Kirsten says appreciatively.

"Come on boys it'll be fun." Kirsten says walking towards the dressing room area.

As soon as we reach the fitting area, I can feel alot of eyes on us, or perhaps mainly myself especially the women.

Suddenly a stunning young women with brunette hair and sea green eyes walks up to us.

"Hi mam do you guys need some help?" The women asks but she slyly takes peaks at me as she's speaking.

"Uhmm yes these three boys need help with their suits." Kirsten tells her oblivious to her reason for helping.

"Alright I'll help the tall young gentlemen and I'll get Simon and David to help the othrr two young gentlemen." The women explains.

"That would be great." Kirsten says pleased.

"Alright the tall young gentleman please follow me." The women says and starts walking away.

"Alright I'll see you guys later." Thor says and starts walking away, but suddenly his arm is grabbed.

"Luthor you can't sleep with her." Ryan whispers in my ear.

"Relax Ryan, I wasn't going to, atleast not here." Luthor says with a wink and breaks free from Ryan's grasp and follows the women.

"Sir my name is Brie, I'll be your helper today, are you looking for anything in particular?" Brie asks while she looks me over, a lustful hunger in her eyes.

"I'll leave it to you Brie, oh and call me Thor." Thor says to Brie, with charming smile on his face that actually causes Brie's heart to beat a little faster from the beautiful image.

"Of course leave it to me." Brie says with a confident smile.

After finishing my quick little make-out session with Brie and getting her number, I walk out of changing room leaving Brie to do her job and also fix herself up from our rendezvous.

I look around and Notice my brother talking too a beautiful tall thin girl with dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes, that look brown at a first glance.

As they're talking I notice another girl, pretty black haired girl with brown eyes and thick lips walk up next to Marissa, that must be Summer, Thor thinks to himself. Not long after a blonde haired prince charming wannabe walks up to Marissa and puts his arm around her, that should be Luke, Thor thinks amused.

All the characters more or less look like they're counterparts, however Summer is prettier than she was in the show, her face is thinner and she's also abut taller, only slightly shorter than Marissa.

I notice Luke talking to my brother and it doesn't look friendly, so I walk over and call out to Ryan.

"Heyy Ryan is everything ok." I say eyeing Luke as I walk over to Ryan.

"Yea... yea everything's fine." Ryan says nonchalantly hoping Thor won't start anything.

Marissa, Summer and Luke all turn their attention towards me, all with varying reactions.

Luke glares at me in an annoyed manner and seems to be sizing me up.

Marissa, stares at me curiously with an apprasing look.

While Summer's jaw is practically hanging off the ground.

"Woah who's that." Summer asks in a daze.

"Uhh that's my younger brother Thor." Ryan answers her.

All three of them look at Thor then look at Ryan.

There is a resemblance, but Thor is definitely more attractive than Ryan, he'll Marissa and Summer both think he's probably the hottest boy they've seen.

"There's no problem." Luke says cooly.

"I'll meet you back at the truck." Luke tells Marissa and gives her a peck on the cheek.

Suddenly Kirsten walks up to us.

"Is everything alright?" She asks Ryan and Thor.

"Yea, everything's fine." Ryan answers.

"Ohh Marissa I was going to call you since your lead deb.. Seth." She calls Seth over who instantly starts staring at summer in a creepy way as soon as he see's her.

"I was going to introduce you to a couple of white knights incase any of your girls need a last minute escort." Kirsten explains.

"Every girl needs a white knight." Summer says as she eyes me.

"Seth Cohen white knight." Seth says trying to grab her attention.

"So uhh you'll be at the rehearsal?" Summer asks me, but Seth answers. "Yes definitely." Seth answers enthusiasticly.

"See you then." Summer says and gives me a inviting smirk before grabbing Marissa and walking off into the ladies side of the fitting rooms.

"Bye." Marissa says as she's dragged off.

"That rocked." Seth says pleased.

Ryan just looks at Seth a little sad.

Marissa and Summer Pov.

Marissa and Summer walk into their fitting room they were using earlier.

Marissa sits on the chair and Summer grabs a dress she likes before speaking to Marissa.

"Hey did you notice how hot Ryan's brother is." Summer says excited.

"Yea he is." Marissa says in agreement.

Even though Marissa's seen alot of handsome boys, including her boyfriend Luke, she hasn't seen anyone as handsome and alluring as Ryan's brother Thor.

"You have to set me up with him for the Cotillion Coop." Summer says as she looks at her self in the mirror.

"What but he's from chino, just like Ryan, I thought you didn't want anything to do with boys like him and Ryan?" Marissa asks.

Summer snorts and says, "Please every girl and women in Newport is going to want him, I have to strike first." Summer says confidently.

"Alright I'll see what I can do." Marissa says rolling her eyes at her shallow best friend.