Putting on a Show

Edmund Humes was terrified, he was walking in the main avenue of the business district minding his own business when suddenly; a group of men quickly grabbed him and pulled him to a nearby empty street, away from prying eyes before he could even react properly to this unexpected event.

Though it was a bit late, Edmund immediately started struggling against his assailants, trying to get out of their grip to quickly escape.

That was the moment when a fist smashed against his stomach. This sudden hit immediately made him expel his lunch through his mouth and nose, which incapacitated him at once as he fell on his knees and held his stomach in pain.

"Calm down Eddie, there is no need to make a scene, that's exactly why we dragged you here. We just need to have a private conversation that's all." Said one of the men with a grin.

Edmund raised his head with difficulty while holding his stomach with both hands to get a look at the man that was talking to him.

He immediately recognized his face since he had seen it before. Those vicious eyes, the vertical scar on his right cheek and that smug grin, he recognized the man the moment their eyes met.

He was one of Lark's lackeys and he knew he was in deep trouble since they have come for him.

"Eddie, I believe you already know why we come here, you're a smart man, so let us not waste both of our times.

" Said the man with the scar with an amused grin almost as if he was enjoying it before his tone turned stone cold and his expression dead serious " So, where is our money, Edmund? Your time is due and you are late once more."

Edmund knew that the situation was serious and that he was in deep trouble so he pleaded.

"I know, but please you have to understand my shipment was attacked by river bandits, I lost everything with it. I was banking everything on this trade deal and now I lost everything, Lark knows this. Look, just give me some time, just a few weeks and I will have your money back I promise."

"I am afraid that's not enough Eddie, you have already asked the boss for time and he had given you a week as of today, his patience has run out and today is the day, the boss will get his money back by any means necessary"

said the man with the scar as he started cracking his knuckles and mentioning for the "boys" to get ready.

Edmund immediately felt his blood run cold and stammered. "I can get the- - the money just give me two weeks, no ju- -just one week and I will bring it to you please just a bit of time I beg you."

Edmund was desperate now. He had no idea how to get the money in that short amount of time but he had to find a way, any way to get out of here.

The group of men started getting closer to him slowly but surely, it was as if they wanted to make sure that the expression of fear on their victim's face would last as long as possible so that they may enjoy it a bit more.

"Alright boys you know the drill, no internal injuries, organ damage and no broken bones, we still need him to pay what he is due after all. Other than that have fun." Said the man with a scar on his face to the group of men that were with him, all while grinning.

At this very moment and as they were about to 'pounce on their prey' someone had entered the alley from behind them and said.

"Gentlemen, I see that you're having some fun. Care if I join?" said William with a big smirk on his face from the alley's entrance.

The man with the scar on his face immediately turned around to observe this unwanted guest, he quickly relaxed once he saw that the intruder was nothing more than a teenage boy, who seemed to be alone.

"Scram kid, this is none of your business, go back to wherever you came from otherwise you will be next once we are done with him."

'Scarface' said with a vicious face, as he stepped aside to allow William to get a good look at the frightened Edmund who was on the ground, hoping to scare him off.

"Please help me, they are bad people, call the guard young man, run and call them as fast as you can? Please save me". After seeing the young man at the entrance of the alley, Edmund found in him a ray of hope and couldn't help but start shouting for help.

"Shut your mouth up, we're not done with you just yet". Scarface kicked Edmund In the stomach, the latter could do nothing but clutch the aggrieved region with both hands as he vomited whatever was left of his lunch.

" Now now, that is not a nice way to speak to someone you just met, not to mention that I can still call the guards any time at a moment's notice, all I have to do is turn around and sh--."

William replied, he feigned being hurt by Scarface's words, all while making sure to theatrically exaggerate his expression and behavior, as he slowly turn around as if about to shout and call the patrol guards.

He also made sure to not flinch at the violent display in front of him, as well as keep one hand behind his back ready to give the signal to his guards to go, in case things went south.

"Wait; there is no need for that, we are only having a friendly chat here." The man paused and thought for a few seconds before adding. "Kid do you really want to get in the way of our business? What are you doing here and what do you want?" growled the man with the scar.

"Ohh, business, I love business, you should lead with that next time. As for what I want, well it just seemed a bit unfair for five men to gang up on someone who seems so… helpless and that is why I am here. That brings me to another point, what kind of business requires you to do well…this."

William replied while pointing at Edmund on the ground, making sure to look genuinely perplexed.

The leader of the thugs thought a little bit about his situation, trying to find a way out without escalating things further, while also completing his task before he replied. "This man owes us money and we are here to get it back, yet he did not have what we are owed".

"That's it?" questioned William in surprise before he continued on.

"My friend, if what you say is true then I believe that you are in your rights to get back what you are rightfully owed. How much does this man owe you, for him to deserve such a severe beating that I have no doubt you and you men were about to dispense?"

Scarface was getting impatient with the young man in front of him; he seemed to be prying too much into their business for his comfort. Worst case scenario, he could always let their target go and get him another day, but that would be risky.

Though the chances are low, Edmund could still move to another town or city leaving them here to suffer the boss's wrath. So Scarface whose real name was Clint decided to go with the flow of the conversation and see where the young man was going with it.

Ultimately if he hinders their operation and they failed today, then he would later find him and bring him to the boss to deal with, that would at least abate some of his anger.