
The very next day they started their journey back to Landow, bringing with them the hunters as well to be rewarded by the marquess as promised.

In the feudal system, a lord's reputation matters greatly, especially to those nobles who are of higher ranking; therefore it is only natural that they take their word as their bond and once they promise something, they must deliver or risk having their reputation being tarnished.

Of course, there are always some who do not take this very seriously, but they are overall far and few in number to make the rule.

By sunset, they had finally arrived at the city gates and made it into the castle district.

"I can't believe it but I am actually feeling like I just came back home, maybe these memories are starting to rub on me the wrong way, I have been in this world for what…. Two weeks???" William mused to himself as he demounted his horse near the stables and gave the reigns to a servant to take care of it.

As he was coming back to his room he saw his father talking with Alfred the house butler, as well as the hunters in the main hall and could not help but eavesdrop as he walked by.

"Alfred, these men here are our guests, make sure they have good rooms and service as they will stay with us for some time. Come the time they wish to go home, inform the treasurer to give them enough gold to live comfortably for the rest of their lives." Lord Ulric commanded.

"As you command my lord." Alfred responded as he bowed slightly acknowledging his order.

The hunters, hearing that the lord's promise will be kept and that the lord will have them as his guests smiled happily in joy.

"Thank you my lord for your hospitality and generosity." They bowed in thanks.

William smiled happily as he continued on towards his room while thinking.

"I don't really know if this father of mine's character is an exception or the norm in this world when it comes to the lords. If it is the case and the lords of this kingdom are as reasonable and honorable as he is then there might not be much to worry about."

As he neared his room William came across his personal maid Laura, who upon seeing him bowed slightly "good evening my lord, I hope your and the marquess's trip went well."

He smiled slightly and responded, " yes ….. and no."

Laura was very confused by the answer making William's smile become wider. "You want to hear about it?" he said.

William knew that gossip was a very hard thing to resist and though it's usually perceived to affect females more; males can partake in it just as much sometimes, not to mention that in this type of environment the servants, male or female tend to be very interested at their employers lives.

Laura hesitated a bit before nodding, after which he simply mentioned for her to follow him into his room as he passed her by and went inside.

The first thing William did once he went into his room was to "jump" into his bed.

"Ahhh, I missed you so much." He tenderly caressed the bed feeling its soft surface.

"You might not stand a chance compared to what we have on earth, but after spending some time without you with nothing but a blanket separating me from the cold hard ground, I have come to realize that I have treated you badly, that I took you for granted, well not anymore; from hens forth you shall be nothing less than my PRECIOUS."

As Laura followed William into the room, she saw him "interacting" with the bed in a….. "unique manner" and could not help but giggle a bit.

William realized that he had invited Laura in and therefore was not alone so he quickly changed the subject to dissipate the awkwardness.

"Take a seat and let me tell you about one hell of a scary story." Upon hearing something about "story" and "scary" Laura sat and was giving all her attention to him.

"Where do I star?….. Ah yes!!! I had just entered the forest to 'bravely' scout for the hunting party, taking no more than two guards, having to leave the rest to protect my father as any filial son would..."

Time passed by quickly as Laura listened to William's tale, finding herself being absorbed into the story as she admired the bravery as well as felt scared when she imagined herself in that situation.

After a long time.

"And that's when I jumped on the beast's back with nothing but my dagger after it had fallen into my trap and with one strike ended its life once and for all; after being exhausted by my hunt I had to let the rescue party carry me back to camp."

Laura was so mesmerized and shocked by the story that her eyes were wide open and her mouth hang slightly down.

" And that is the story of how I had slain the beast after the brave sacrifice of the two guards I had taken with me, who had injured it before they fell to its deadly claws."

William knew he was exaggerating a bit, but overall he had made sure to keep the important parts were true as to not take away from others' contributions yet still have his hero moment.

"This stuff is going to be all over the castle by tomorrow, this is the art of spreading news using storytelling." William thought to himself as he smiled.

Afterward, he asked Laura to bring him his dinner to his room; William dismissed her soon after, ate and went to sleep.

As he lay on his bed, he could not help but think "I wonder how much information had Edmund compiled for me by now?"


The lord's study room, castle district.

The marquess had just explained what had happened to William during the trip to Alfred the house butler.

" I see, it is indeed strange that the young lord was capable of doing all these feats considering the situation he was in." Alfred said to the lord as he thought.

" Maybe William was always a diamond in the rough and we had just now seen a glimpse of his potential." Lord Ulric exclaimed.

" It may also be the head injury he had suffered which also had something to do with the change." Alfred replied.

"No matter what the reason is, William had proven that he may be more than he is. I think it may be time to push him into the light and test what he could accomplish. He may have more surprises in store for us that we have yet to discover." The marquess concluded.

Alfred simply stayed silent since he agreed with the lord on this matter.

" What about Marek, he should have been long back by now, Any news?" The marquess changed the subject, now asking about his eldest son.

" Indeed, as you had given me the authority to read any letters he sent while you were away in case of an emergency, I do know quite a bit of his situation."

"GO ON." Lord Ulric urged.

"I am afraid that lord Marek had not been able to solve the bandit situation in the north and had, if I may say, led by the nose. There had been a few more raids and your eldest had yet to have any significant progress in catching them."

Lord Ulric's expression darkened, it was soon replaced by disappointment as he sighed.

"it's as we feared, Marek is a good soldier but he is an awful leader. How can I expect him to navigate the political minefield that is noble society when he is being outwitted by bandits?"

The lord simply reclined back on his chair and looked out of the window and into the city, worried by the uncertain future awaiting the marquisdom.