WebNovelBound Me88.89%


"Wow! You got the lead in the school play!"

"I didn't see that coming."

"Do you think you can handle it, Jung Woo?" 

"Ahh…!" I lift my head towards the ceiling. "Yea." I nod my head if only to take that smug look off his face.

"I don't know. Starring next to the best actor in Drama club can be intimidating." Hwa Sun flips her hair.

How did I end up in the same class as these people? I hate school plays. I prefer the festivals because being a waiter in a café theme set up is much better for me.

"Well, I'll be blindfolded so all I have to do is remember my lines." I shrug because that fact alone makes me feel better about it. Facing crowds head on petrified me.

The weeks went by fast even with rehearsals. I'm so glad this is my last year in school. I will miss being on the soccer team though. I've played for so long it's like my second nature.

Hmmm...the furry bush caresses my leg. I have to admit, I've fallen in love with his pheromone entity. The small wolf always appears by my side before he does. I collect it in my arms and bask in the scent. 

"Hmm...ummm…" He clears his throat. 

I open my eyes and stare back at him. 


"Ha..I still can't get used to that." He shakes his head and walks over to the sofa in front of my TV. 

"I like wolves! I told you that!"

"And the sniffing? You really like my pheromones, huh?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Just a little." I quickly put him down and sat next to Minjae.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" He places his arm behind my head on the back of the couch. 

He looks at me with that gaze. My body tenses. My words are stuck in my throat. 

"Can you...coughs...ease up?" 

"Sorry." He blushes and quickly pulls back his pheromones. 

I exhale and say, "Yea are you?"

He nods his head, "Yea." 

"Thanks for the help these last few weeks."

"Of course. It's good that we rehearsed together. You know, me being the lead and you being the second male lead."

"Hahaa...yea." I say shyly scratching my head.

 Even though I said that yesterday, my nerves are on end. My skin is prickly. I'm panicking!

Out of nowhere I hear a girl say, "It's okay. You will do fine! Calm down." Her voice sounds like Su Jin. The only other Beta female in my class out of two.

I inhale and exhale deeply letting her words sink in. A few minutes later I feel fingers massaging my shoulders. And then…

It's so warm...wet...soft...mmm…! What was that? Was that me? I pull back and the other person releases me from their grasp. 

I hear footsteps walking in the distance and the faint smell of agarwood lingers in the air.