Everything is blurry when Daleth opens his eyes turns to the left and feels pain at his ribcage. He screams in pain right when he hears footsteps coming towards his direction. He feels around him and realizes his on a bed.

"Christ!" someone pokes him in the knife injury in his rib cage. He twists on the bed. Whoever did this is laughing. Daleth opens his eyes to see an amused girl.


"We meet again Daleth."

She suddenly sounded so mature which is shocking caused she is just fourteen.

"Where is she? "Rosie asks

Daleth feigns shock. "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"I asked a question." She takes a step towards him.

Daleth shifts a bit on the bed. "I don't know where Amalya is. I swear."

Rosie frowns. "I was told you just took her."

Daleth who obviously doesn't know they wiped her memories and reprogrammed, places a hand on his rib and sits up on the bed.

"What do you mean you were told? You were right there when this happened."

Rosie isn't frowning anymore. She barks out a short laugh and gazes at him.

"Do you mean the day you left me to die?''

Daleth flings his right hand in mid air helplessly. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about? She screams in frustration.

"I'm going to effing kill you!"

Daleth's eyes widen in shock and he moves back a bit.

"Rosie, calm down, "he starts gently as he reaches out a hand to touch her. "Everything they told you is a lie. Amalya and I were going to come and save you and-''

'Save me?" she points the knife at her chest. "I think you guys are the people that need saving."

Rosie takes a step closer and the door burst open. It is Mañita. She is wearing a black leather suit with her hairs in a pony tail.

Daleth looks at her feet she is wearing the black sneakers he got her for her birthday.

"The Destruction of the tunnels are completed. Now, the sun," Manita says.

Daleth almost jumps of the bed. "What tunnels?"

"The one you lived in," replies Rosie, looking at her glossy nails.

"What the f*ck did you do?" He stands up and walks to stop right in front of Mañita.

She whistles "I shattered it into bits of desert sand." Daleth staggers backward. Mañita? Smirk is suddenly fading in the eyes of Daleth.

The entire room is spinking around it. His head feels like all the blood was drained from it.

Manita walks past him to a mahogany wood table "Rosie?" Manita says calmly. "Take care of him, would you?"


Waking up from a deep sleep in the woods, Jael pulls a sundial out from her bag. She looks at her wrist watch just in case. It shows eight twenty-five in the morning. She sits up properly and looks up at the sky. No sun. How is that even possible?

Jael stands up. She looks at her clothes; the ones from the day before, and attempts to dust a reasonable amount of dirt from it.

Jael kicks Jared at the ankle. He groans and she kicks him harder.

"Get up and wake the others," Jael whispers – shouts.

Jared taps the other two and jumps to his feet as active as always. He smells his breath and feels his twig and leaf filled hair. He looks at Jael's hair and noticed that he is not the only one.

"What is it?" Jared asked coming to stand beside Jael and watches her looked at the sky.

Jael mumbles "The Sun".

"What about it?" Jared asked again.

Jael glances at him with confused frown.

"It's gone. It is past eight already and the sun is gone."

Jared barks out a laugh "Gone?"

Luke just takes a step closer "Weird, isn't it?"

They hear Amalya's tiny voice from behind them. "Maybe …. Maybe the sun forgot to come out."

"What the hell are you talking about? that isn't even possible," Jared says

"Actually, it is," Jael counters.

"We are saying it is gone but what if it never came out," Amalya states and Jared gives an irritated face. "How can the sun forget its job?"

Jael picks her bag up from the ground and dust of the grass and dirt.

"We have to keep going. I have a bad feeling about this place."

"There is nowhere to go," says Jared in between pulling out twigs from Jael's hair.

Amalya starts gathering her stuff from the ground making sure that every single flower is in bag.

She is standing up when she feels the vibration beneath her feet. She looks around her. "Do you guys feel that?"

"Feel What?"

"The –"

The vibration comes unexpected in full force. They all fell to the ground. Jared lands his head on a sharp-edged stone.

The vibrations stops and Jael doesn't take time to jump to her feet and gather the rest of her stuff.

"Jared stand up let's see how bad it is." He stands up and the injury on his head is bleeding profusely.

He lifts his hand to feel his blood-soiled hair. "Seriously, now is not the time."

Luke who had been unnecessarily grumpy the night before and that morning groans and walks past Jael.

"Are we moving or not?"

Jael hears the buzzing sound coming from behind the tall dry trees.

She whispers, "Bees" from behind Luke.

"Crap! Run!" Jared shouts and they all set off north.

By 12:00pm, they are going down a low hill with yellow grasses beneath their feet.

Amalya had been moody all the way there. She is still following behind and looking straight at the ground.

She doesn't notice when everyone stops in their tracks to rest but she can hear Jared's complaints and Luke's arrogant comments.

Amalya knows she isn't going to survive seeing that Daleth is gone and they are in the middle of nowhere.

"Where exactly are we going to, Jael?" Jared asked dropping to the ground.

Jael glares at him "Why do you always expect me to know that way?" She asks.

"I'm not your leader or your savior so stop depending on me!"

Amalya is in another world of her thoughts but she can definitely hear noise coming from underneath her. She hoped it wasn't another stupid vibration.

"Shut up and listen!" Amalya yells at them for the first time. Everywhere is silent apart for the wind and the clanging of metals beneath them.

They walk around to know where the noise is coming from and they all gather at one spot where the sound is louder.

Jared keeps stamping his feet at the spot, "Guys, I think something is beneath-"