"Yes mother", Amalya says almost choking on her words. "It is your daughter".

The little boy turns to look at her. He has the exact same colour of eyes as Amalya. He doesn't even know her but he already looks willing to accept whatever she brings forth. That is if she does bring anything.

"Come inside, my darling," Keri, Amalya's mother says with a crooked smile.

Amalya takes slow steps to her mother's side - the one that is not occupied by the little boy.

She kneels by her mother's side and almost stands when her mother asks "What are you doing back here, Amalya?" Amalya pats her mother's cheek.

"I escaped from the hands of Castello."

"Don't you want to do something with your life?" The frown on Keri's face was increasing. Didn't mother want her back? Amalya thought.

"I do mother but I have to look after you. I prayed day by day for the Lord to protect you. The Lord has done his part; it is time for me to do mine," Amalya explains.

Her mother smiles and Amalya smiles back. Amalya turns to face the little boy. "What is your name, darling?" She asks him. His voice comes tiny but happy "Omarr".

Amalya frowns and faces her mother "Mother, is he the neighbours'?" Keri lets out a laugh that almost seems painful.

"No dear," she answers. "When you left, I realized that I was pregnant with Castello's other child. That child is Omarr. He is your brother Amalya."

Amalya smiles at him and immediately sees the resemblance. A new happiness erupts in her. I have a brother! She reaches out a have to touch his hair.

"I'm Amalya." He responds with a simple, "Nice to meet you."


...Someone is vigorously shaking her and screaming her. She opens her eyes to the deep voice. Everything is blurry. She feels round and realizes she is just in a wooden chair.

The confused thoughts start flowing in.


But I was just - someone pulls her from the chair and hugs her tight. The male scent... Daleth?

Has the world gone wild?

He pulls back and studies her pale face to be sure if it's regaining its colour. "Thank goodness you are safe and alive".

"Where are we?" She asks when he kisses her on the forehead.

"Just another illusion."

"What I saw - was that an illusion?" Amalya asks. "That is what we are about to find out."

He grips her hand "Let's go."

She look around the empty room.

"What happened to the bag of flowers?"

"It's gone, Amalya."

She almost screams. "It's gone?" "It's gone?".

"Where are we going to?" Amalya asks as the sun scorches her bare feet.

"The Head Quarters."

"The Place I escaped from?"


Amalya stops and pulls her hand from his grip "No".

He stops and faces her. "Yes, Amalya. You have to. In fact, we have to face them. Jael and the rest are heading for the headquarters".

He slips his hand into hers. "Now, let's go." She doesn't argue or hesitate; she just follows.

After a long distance into the woods, they settle on a stone for rest. Amalya glares at Daleth. "So, Mr. Super Hero couldn't even bring food on his way." "I'm sorry but there was no time for that."

"Or, you are so stupid and couldn't think," Amalya says. She picks up a smaller stone. "So everything here is an illusion?"

Daleth clears his throat "Well, technically, not everything here is an illusion."

Amalya smiles. "So that's how we jumped through the wall when you saved me." He ruffles her hair and laughs "Aren't you a fast learner?" Amalya thinks back to the time she spent with Rosie.

The moving walls and appearing bathroom were all illusions. The anger starts boiling up in her.

She frowns and looks at Daleth. "And you, what happened to you? Why did you disappear?"

"Ah, Mañita took me. Actually, she kidnapped me." He tells Amalya.

"Who is Mañita?" Amalya asks. Daleth chuckles "One of my crazy ex-girlfriends."

Amalya snorts "Crazy, isn't it she? Looks like she fell for you bad."

"I guess she did" Amalya laughs gaining a confused look from Daleth.

"Such a savior you are. You can't even save yourself from a mere girl." Amalya teases.

Daleth scowls, "Oh shut up. I could have. It is just that she knocked me out and she is not a mere girl."

Amalya laughs again even louder "If you say so." She frowns again "What about Rosie and Kendrick?" Daleth clears his throat and swallows like he is forbidden to reply Amalya and is afraid of what will happen if he does.

"Rosie? I think you have to see her yourself." This one caused thoughts in Amalya's head. Is Rosie dead?

What is Daleth talking about? Daleth continues "As for Kendrick, he is my older brother and he has gone to look for Jael. Looks like he is actually in love with her after all."

A bird flies by and Daleth throws a stone in its direction. Amalya eyes him. "How did you get access to my mind?" Daleth taps his temple (forehead). "This brain of mine just knows how to work like a computer, darling."

Daleth stands up and helps Amalya up. "We need to be there by early evening."