The Beginning

Do you know what? Everything in this universe is temporary. The people, the positions, the power, the nature, and its myriad moods. It keeps changing as the time changes. As the position of the planets change. But few things remain constant. Abstract thing to say clearly. Abstract ideas becomes eternal. And poets stated that love is such an eternal thing. But certain events took place which added the question at the end of this statement.



Heaven consisted of many Realms. But the most important powerful ones were Water Realm, Wind, Sky, Beast, Flower, and Earth. Every other realms were filled with immortals and cultivators while Earth had only mortals who lived for a very short period of time. And all of these Realms were held together by the most important one: Heaven Realm. Heaven Realm's Celestial Palace had the Emperor and Empress, a king and queen, and the crown prince and crown princess. Other realms listen to the final decision made by the Heavenly Rulers.

Phoenix is the family, the family of celestial creatures, known as the best cultivators in the universe ruled heaven for thousands of years. They always managed to solve all the disputes. But like the usual, there were also a team who hated them. Especially the Bird Realm who were always jealous of the golden brid, the fire, aka the Phoenixs.

And one fine day, the villains rose to glory.

The entire Empire of the Phoenix was annihilated overnight not even sparing a woman or a child in the heaven. There were no time for the Kings from any other Realms to come with their armies to help. The trusted cultivators from the court of the Phoenix King planned this treason. Tanwen Yuan who was the Emperor of Heaven, was mercilessly back stabbed and killed while letting him watch his family suffer in front of him before he closed his eyes and stopped breathing. His son King Nuri was stabbed several times from the back. The best swordsman in heaven cheat and tricked. And before he died, they took his primordial spirit away, giving him the most painful death, and not giving a chance to reincarnate. The same was done to the Emperor. His primordial spirit also taken away. Whoever was born as a real Phoenix faced the same plight. The women raped, the men's bodies separated from their heads.

But there was one brave person. The Queen. She had just give birth to the Heir to Throne, the crown prince of heaven; Feng. Feng'er was not even an year old.

"Please," Queen Helia begged. "Please don't kill anyone, please stop killing, we are being wronged. Please spare us. You have killed all the men here,"

"Oh come on," The guards teased her. "Shall we have some fun? Let us have some fun?" The guards who captured her pulled her hair, faught with her, and kept touching her everywhere. She kept fighting back.

Suddenly a man walked into the hall she was kept in.

"Tai, Officer Tai, how could you do this? How could you do this to our family? What did we ever do to you?" she questioned him managing to stand up and holding his collar with one hand and holding her infant on the other hand. Tai knelt down as Helia fell on the floor pushed by him. "You are not even pretty now," he smirked. "Were you not a peacock? Why did you let a Phoenix burn your..." he said and looked down her hips. "How about I show you some good time?" he said and grabbed her hair. He apparated to her bed chamber and ripped her clothes off. He took the baby and threw him away. Feng fell on the couch near the bed. Tai straight up tortured her. The screams of Queen Helia echoed the whole palace. And the baby laid there hearing it. "Lihua would be better than you, I will you know once i try her," he said. "Oh wait, I wonder if you will be alive and make it until then?" Tai laughed out loud. After putting his clothes on, Tai left the room, Helia could barely manage to walk on her legs. He had hurt her severely. She managed to crawl and get her Feng'er and she apparated and left him in a safe place, a place she trusted would take care of him and returned back to the palace. She took her sword and fought few guards who tried to kill her. But she was dragged to the main court. Tai, Tain his father everyone had gathered there busy killing people and planning to do more. Even the maids, eunuchs, and physicians were not left alone.

"Where are the primordial spirits?" Tian asked Tai.

"With me," Tai answered.

"One is missing," Tian pointed out.

"No we have got everything,"

"Where is the baby, the crown prince?" Tian asked angrily. Tai turned to his left and looked at Helia who was being attacked by several people. She smirked at Tai. Tai gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. But he did not want to admit his mistake to his father and get criticised. Hence he covered up.

"Oh there was a dead baby with Helia before, we threw it away, it was already dead so i don't think it will be of any use,"

"You idiot,"

"some guards did it, not me," he said and kept looking Helia. He stood there with a stone heart. The guards who were the vultures ate the carcass and left her when she was of no use with tha tattered body.

A few minutes later, a man in the white dress walked towards Helia.

"Kill me," she whispered. "Do me the favour," she begged. The chief advisor of the Emperor Yuan Jiamu knelt down, took his dagger and killed her as per her request silently. He prayed for her soul to rest in peace and got up.

Tian wanted Jiamu, the most resourceful person in the universe stay with him. Jiamu not only rejected it but also chose to leave heaven forever.

Helia laid there drenched in her own blood like her other family memebers. The spies of various Realms had entered and witnessed all the activities done by Tai and Tian but majority were killed on the soot except the soy from Demon Realm. Demon King Dritan was reported of every single scene. He was shocked and hurt to know his good friend Yuan and his family has been killed. "Too bad. Too sad. This is the most painful news I have heard the last years. My heartfelt condolences. Also feeling ashamed and agitated," He added.

A lot of cultivators lost their lives that night. Cultivators who had potential to rule the universe. But no one knew where Feng'er disappeared to. No one knew where Helia had sent her to. The search never stopped. But the rulers changed.

The primordial spirits stolen from the Phoenixs were inserted into the body of Tai and Tian to become powerful and convince people that they are also truly fire birds.

Tian who killed his best friend Yuan, was later betrayed by his own son. Tian tasted the same betrayal before he closed his eyes.

"If you had agreed to give me the throne, I would not have chosen to kill you," These were Tai's final words to his father.