Impudent Girl

The second child was born. A prince. Everyone was happy and excited. The celebrations began. But everyone was confused. What should they call him.

"Kai," Fleur said then. "Is he not a Water Dragon, let him be called the master, the god of oceans," Fleur said.

"It looks like some one had done a detailed research up on what her brother should be named," Empress Rivera and Queen mother Lihua made fun of their grand daughter Fleur.

"Yes, I did. Pretty lot," Fleur giggled.

"Then let it be," Demon King agreed.

"Kai," Aqua and Huo pronounced the named together.

"Long live Prince Kai," everyone wished him during the naming ceremony. The lunch was served. But Fleur was feeling stressed out. Even though it is a happy occasion everything turned out to be the opposite of what she was hoping for.

"Why is he not a Celestial Dragon?" that was her doubt. "Why just me?" she sat in her bed after having her lunch. "The one who does not want it gets it and the one who needs it will never get it, law of nature, messed up so messed up," she said and fell asleep.



Aqua's and Huo'er's shifu arrived at the Demon's Castle the very next day.

"Where is she? The little mischievous one," Shifu Bo Hai asked. The best trainer and teacher in the universe ebery cultivator wish could have has their shifu. But he only trained the one's he sees the potential in becoming the guardian of this universe. And he would train none other who do not have that capability. That includes even the Demons who are good in their cultivation. He did not have gender bias and any difference in Realms, everyone was school but too picky.

All the fairies who aspire to become an immortal rarely get chances with him.

"In her bed chamber," Aqua said.

"Ask her to come here,"

"She will not,"


"She is sleeping,"

"At this hour?"


"Why would she sleep for such long hours?" Shifu asked.

"Sleeping is the only think she loves doing," Huo chuckled. Aqua shot a look at her husband. He stopped.

"You have spoiled her," Shifu said and walked towards the chamber.

Princess Fleur indeed was asleep. She was trying to find the book on the history of the Celestial Beings. She failed in finding them. She wanted to know the reason behind why existence like hers is cherished. She wanted to know why such elite beings are born to people and get their destiny decided by others just like that.

Walking around the library until early in the morning, she returned back home just before everyone woke up. She fell asleep and she was too tired.

The door of the chamber suddenly opened. The lights hurt the sleepy eyes of Fleur and she sat up.

"Get out it is not even noon," she shouted.

"What kind of Princess is this? An insult to the Demons!" Shifu raised his voice. Aqua and Huo stood outside keeping silence. They did not walk into the room.

"Who are you to say that?" Sleepy Fleur questioned back not knowing who the person is standing before her.

Shifu blew a large bubble of water on to her.

"Arghh what the hell!" Fleur was shocked and got out of the bed drenched in water. "You filthy..." and she suddenly stopped talking. "Great master Bo Hai," she held her breath. She was ashamed instantly. 'Oh lord I must be crazy to say such things to Shifu,' she thought.

"Is this how you treat people? Such arrogance and disrespect?" Shifu asked her.

"No master, I was asleep, and I..."

"Shut up," he scolded her nicely. "You have let done, you have let down everyone around who had hope in you,"

"I did not, what is this? What happened here enough to let everyone down?" Fleur questioned Shifu Bo Hai back. He was surprised to see the way Fleur has grown into. A complete rebel. He could not believe it. He understood immediately the concerns of Aqua and Emperor Aenon. "I don't understand what did I do so wrong here? Is sleeping a crime? How can you say I let everyone down?

"Impudent child,"

"So what if I am?" Fleur asked back. Shifu Bo Hai's eyes grew wide. He looked at Huo Nad Aqua who stood outside listening to all of this.

"Shiyun," he summoned one of his assistants. "Shiyun,"

"Yes shifu," Shiyun, a tall well trained cultivator with green eyes stepped forward and stood next to Shifu.

"I'm going to introduce you now to the most arrogant girl in the universe," Shifu said. Aqua shook her head losing her patience and left the scene saying, "Oh I don't want to see these." But Huo remained.

"Who the hell is he?" Fleur asked Shifu who looked angry. Fleur rolled her eyes. Deep inside she tried her best to keep her temper on the surface.

"Fleur," Shiyun called her.