New Life

Fleur took her time to learn the name of the pizzas and other dishes the shop sold. The first few days were funny, were she would ask her fellow colleagues every minute which order belongs to which table, then she learned the trick easily identifying the food from pictures and then taking the table number. She was funny, and people liked her. Everyone helped her for it. She told them how she has run away from the village and it inspired people for not giving up on life and helping her more. Though nobody knew what a blunt lie it was. The store manager though he was strict he let Fleur do as she liked to get used to work. She worked from 10.00 a.m. in the morning to 07.00 p.m. in the evening. She set her daily schedules and followed them correctly.

She wake up at 7.00 a.m. in the morning, wash her clothes, help Arya's mother with breakfast while Arya would be sound asleep till 8.00 a.m. The house cleaning duty was still Arya's which she would do on weekends. Arya would step out for college around 9 in a hurry. Fleur would then get ready and set out to reach her workplace on time.

One day Fleur put on her faded blue Jean and a pink crop top with a sneakers and stepped out of her room, she had decided to skip breakfast to try the highly discussed breakfast menu near her pizza shop by her colleagues. She took Arya along with her, waking her up early in the morning and asked her to make a call and get the reservation.

"This place could be expensive Flower," Arya whispered as they waited on line to get into the hotel. She had named Fleur as flower to address her easily.

"I have money don't worry, " Fleur assured her.

"We will share," Arya smiled and hung on Fleur's hands. Some minutes later they entered the hotel and lord it looked beautiful with all the dim lights, chandeliers, the salad towers and a never ending isle if buffet. The two girls were lost seeing the sea of food arranged before them. Fleur looked at Arya who equally looked confused.

"I don't know any of these," Fleur told her best friend.

"I do only a little," Arya confessed and took the plate for both of them.

"Here, try these things," someone said standing before the counter. He was wearing the white uniform and chef's hat. He looked handsome with his green eyes sparkling, with the smile on his lips. Arya nudged Fleur in excitement. "You look lost both of you, let me help, we have some amazing dishes here," he said and started serving them. "Take another plate, you two should taste everything," he said and served them with all the things and asked for their choice of drink. They both ordered for the guava juice and also a cup of latte each. Though they had no idea how they were going to finish the four plates of breakfast, they sure were excited. He watched them as they took their table excitedly engaged in conversations. 'Are they sisters?' he wondered stood there smiling welcoming other customers to the table asking the waiters to help them. He kept watching the people gathered and made sure they were provided everything they needed. He saw how they two girls were struggling to finish the breakfast loaded in their plates by him, and he couldn't help but smile as he noticed them. They were funny, carefree and enjoying every minute. He let them be and went back to the kitchen to prepare the next dishes.

Fleur asked Arya to better finish off the food after she managed to complete her and sipping on her coffee.

"You really do have a great capacity Flower, unbelievable," Arya finally surrendered. She had toasts, a half eaten scrambled egg, a lot of boiled vegetables, a spring roll and half the glass if guava juice left to finish off while she finished all the chicken and meat served along.

"It's ok, stop if you're full," Fluer smiled and helped Arya getting tissues and a glass of water.

"I don't think I will need food again today," she said as they spilt the bill and paid. Fleur helped Arya walk out and rushed to the convenience to rest for sometime. Arya still had a half an hour left before she had to leave for college.