The Hell Problem

*One day or the other, things that are kept hidden too long will eventually come out, and you will have to face the reality. Nothing we fear the most comes without consequences. That's the biggest truth.*

Even though the demon realm has been going through the best times, there has been few movements secretly being undertaken. A drop of poison is enough to ruin the barrel of wine is it not? This has caused Huo a little trouble. Even though he is keeping his mind and calm carrying out his duty, deep in his heart, he has been formulating ideas nobody could even guess about. The trouble that has surfaced is not easy and he knew well. 

"We caught few rebels from the pavements, they were carrying notes and posters," the chief royal guard Mo Yuan informed Huo. "Your majesty, we will have to tighten the security and raise our strength, there are dubious rumours," he reported.

"What rumours?" Huo asked him, pretending.

"Your highness, that," he hesitated.