It's him again, let's get to know !

"Hey," he called for her. He showed up unexpectedly and greeted her.

"You again," Fleur ran towards him. He was one person she was least expecting to walk in. She walked towards his table and took the order for him. "What do you want today?"

"Chicken and mushroom, make it large," he said. Then he took a look at the menu again and kept wondering about what to order next. "Add the cheese sticks," he ordered in the end, hoping it to good.

"Expecting someone?" she asked him as she joted down his large order. She looked neat with apron put over her lavender frilled dress and hair put up into a ponytail. He noticed it. Though she was not dressing fashionably, everything looked appealing about her, pleasant and very pretty.

'What's wrong with me? stop it, ' he told himself inside his head looking elsewhere. Then he decided to reply as he handed the menu back.