Luhan and his ambiguous heart


When life amazes you with certain moments, you must know to take the chances and build an even more amazing time to last long, making happy memories. Especially if you have someone you want to do it with, even if it is slightest affection or thoughts given to that person from your side. Family or a friend. They will just be with you, and love you. Don't hesitate to show yourself to them, speak truth to them and live a transparent life so that nothing complicates the earthly life.


It was almost late in evening. The streets buzzed with people getting off their works. The rush hour, with a lot of traffic. The cafes had lots of customers and stores filled with people buying groceries before they get home. The climate was getting colder day by day and people seemed to have changed their dressing styles, wearing thick clothes and in layers. The winter collections was on sale everywhere.