Lixue and his past

Ice Realm's power resource and Lixue's source is at the top of the moutians, the highest range where no one can make it. It was cold and Shiyun was covered in layers of clothes. But it did not effect the Ice God at all. 

Shiyun rested well and received a huge help and cure from the Ice God. "Thank you my friend," He told Lixue. He got the treatment well and Shiyun recuperated well. His energy was restored and his internals wounds were almost healed using the pond. Shiyun could feel the powers back in his core restored carefully. He was no longer in pain.

"Don't mention it bro," Lixue said. "Keep in touch and don't disappear again," he chuckled. 

"I was right, I did not disappear. I should be the one telling you that," said Shiyun back at Lixue. The two laughed then.