Luhan making a choice

"Oh, omma," Arya answered her call. She walked away and looked back at Fleur. "Hmm, she is sitting silently, she is thinking, I don't know what though," she then eyed Luhan, who often looked at her too. Arya turned her face away and smiled, looking at the orange sky. 

Luhan stood up and walked towards her. Fleur noted that. She watched Luhan going towards Arya. She wanted him to talk to her, ask her what happened to her, but he walked away. 

"Ma, I will call you later okay," Arya immediately hung up when she saw Luhan.

"Mom?" he asked.

"Yeah," she nodded and kept the phone back in her sling bag.

"Let's walk. It looks like Fleur needs some lone space," Luhan said, taking a last glance at her. Arya took out her phone and texted Haru quickly.

"I'm with Luhan. Why don't you come to the park and take care of Fleur? She is alone. Come quick,"

"Oh, yeah, okay. Cool," Arya agreed, and they walked around the park again.