
"All right, there is something behind today's date girls," Haru said and smiled at Fleur. Luhan glanced at Fleur often and both the girls indeed noticed it. Haru patted Luhan's shoulder. "It is our man's idea," Haru said proudly.

"Get to the point," Arya urged him.

"All right, this man was planning for a solo trip," Haru said.

"Really? Where to?" asked Arya excitedly. She stopped eating. Fleur was not interested. She did not want to meet Luhan in the first place, forget having dinner with him. He was sitting opposite her and next to Arya. Arya was all playful and really happy being with him. To satisfy her, Fleur pretended to be okay too. 

"West Village," Luhan looked at Arya to see her reaction.

"Really? West Village? Like for real?" Arya was surprised. 

"You sound like you know the place," Haru said.

"That is where her parents are from," Fleur told Haru.

"Really?" Haru asked and felt regretful instantly.