
"Did Luhan already know about who his grandfather is? Or was he shocked to see what happened at the cottage? He did look at me.. but was it worry or was it fear? Does he think I'm a monster too.. is he like Haru?" Fleur kept wondering about Luhan itself. "Will Luhan understand? Will he stay away from us?"

She turned around and saw that Arnika is sound asleep. She fell asleep quickly lying on the besr ever fluffy bed and pillow. She was tired to her bones. 

Fleur lay looking outside the glass door and slowly drifted off to sleep. Shiyun apparated and got into the room minutes after Fleur fell asleep. He smiled and titled his head as he watched her. She was cold. He immediately took the folded quilt from the foot of the bed and put it on her. Then he moved towards the curtains. He was reminded of the nights they had spent together in the library, catching her every time while she sneaked out of her bed chamber.