The Secret Lixue Finds Out

"You think I will accept this woman and her child if you claim it is yours? I am never going to accept a Demon to be your wife," said King Fuyuto angrily. 

"You do not have to accept Volca, and I'm not going anymore. I'm tired of it because she is already my wife and the mother of my child. The only woman I love and shared by blood with," said Lixue strongly. He held Volca's hand vigorously. King Fuyuto walked towards him. And unexpectedly, he slapped his son right across his face. 

"Pa,' Arya shouted, standing next to him. 

"You, whoever you are, stop abusing my family," Arya shouted. 

"Arya," Lixue tried to stop his little girl. Fuyuto looked at Arya. A young girl who resembles his son and the Demoness. And he felt her powers. What was running through her was not that of a demon.

"She.. she is..." 

"Yes," assured Lixue. Volca felt hurt. But Lixue did not let go of her.