
Fleur lay awake that night. 'I don't understand. Why do you guys feel like sacrificing your love for someone else is a divine act?' That question kept circling in her head. 'Who else did it? Am I suppose to find the answer? Did he mean Luhan? I did have a feeling that something was going on between us but then he switched to Arya suddenly. Could it be for Haru?' Fleur got up. It was only 1 at night. She sat up. And laid back again. "Sleep idiot," she forced herself. 

The next day, Fleur slept in. She woke up slowly. Scratching her head, Fleur looked at the clock. "Holy crap," she yelled and ran to the washroom. She immediately brushed and got ready. It was 10 in the morning. She skipped breakfast and rushed to the store. Shiyun and Arnika had left already. 

She ran and ran and finally reached the store. She wanted hard and looked at the store. It was open and working. A customer was coming out.