Mo Yuan and Volca's Reunion

Mo Yuan found Bo Hai in the Ice Realm. He asked his fellow soldiers to not accompany him to the inner palace. He followed Bo Hai. Mo Yuan's special power is that he can disguise well and not reveal his demonic identity. One reason he easily found a place in Huo'er's trusted team. Mo Yuan was always a good use to the King. Bo Hai had no idea about it. 

Bo Hai walked into the court. He met with King Fuyuto. They walked out of the court and walked towards the pavilion. Mo Yuan followed pretending to be one of the personal guards.

They reached a pavilion on a cliff. Mo Yuan was asked to stand guard at the entrance. Bo Hai and King Fuyoto was served with tea. And Bo Hai slowly began the conversation that shocked Mo Yuan. 

"Forgive me my king, I did not know Arya is your grand daughter, I hurt her and Volca when I..." Mo Yuan heart stopped when he heard this.