It's time

"Luhan," Fleur wanted to tell her love the truth. Luhan had taken Fleur to a waterfall since it is the weekend. Haru promised that he would come early so that he can join their trip. But Luhan wished that Haru does not show up.

Fleur did not tell Shiyun that she would be out of the city. 

"I need to tell you something," said Fleur. She was worried about how Luhan would react to the news and whether he would choose to run away from her. 

"What is it?" Luhan asked as if he knows nothing. He could see the innocence in her. Her smile ached his heart. He wanted to hold on to her, kiss her, but at the same time, he wished he could stay alive a little longer. And it appeared she is the hindrance to his life so far he knows from what Bo Hai told him. Luhan stood facing Fleur and put his arms around.