The Dragon

"Shiyun, don't you think she is a bit out of control?" Aqua asked seeing Fleur working hard everyday. 

"She does not listen to me. And I cannot understand what she is thinking either," Shiyun shared his worry. "But she us grasping too well, and learn quicker than before. It is like she is a whole new person," Shiyun said. 

"The Phoenix has hurt her bad, but they now share a link. If she has his element in her. He will have an element of dragon in him. A connection with with soul, not powers. They are going to hurt each other so bad," Aqua said. "I must protect her at all cost," Aqua decided.

"He is a boy you saved. If so you will know a way to destroy him too, don't you?" Shiyun asked Aqua.

"Don't speak nonsense. He is a trained Phoenix now. A Celestial creature just like Fleur, stronger than any of us," Aqua reminded Shiyun. 

Shiyun nodded as they stood watching Fleur practicing her sword skill. She had bandages around her fingers and palm.