
Luhan and Bo Hai prepared for the battle. Learning the truth about Bo Hai made Luhan feel a sense of danger. Luhan pretended in front of Bo Hai, but his mind kept giving him warnings about the old man. Luhan was sure that he was kept in the dark and knew nothing about heaven and hell or the people except reading the books Jiamu gave him. Right on the day of the war, Bo Hai got Jiamu back on the field. 

Luhan felt nothing when he saw Jiamu except betrayal and hatred. Luhan wondered what he should do about this matter. Arya has been followed him everywhere like his guard. 

"I know this is confusing, but don't think about anyone or anything, or news, just take the throne and utilize the power. Then learn the truth, whatever it will be. Everything will make sense then," Arua advised him one day, seeing how disturbed Luhan was since knowing Bo Hai is family.