Mystery Moore

Fleur and team split and set out. Haru and Luhan were together as a team and Kai and Fleur went another way. Since they are competitors, they should be fighting for their goal. Fleur had already scored one. It has gone up on her list too. But something told her, there is many more to come. 

"Kai, look out for trolls," said Fleur.

"What?" Kai was surprised. 

"Trolls, look out for them. They could be in the form of a rock, a stone, or a moss," Fleur instructed. 

"Are they not a myth?' Kai asked. 

"There is no such things called myth in this universe," Fleur looked at Kai. "To Mortals, we are myth, but are? Mortals say true love is a myth but is it?" Fleur asked. "Don't we have pa and ma as the greatest examples?" Kai stood still. 

"I.. I don't know," he shrugged.

 If we exist, and so does trolls, or we all are part of a big myth in his universe and mortals could be the true living beings," Fleur said and sighed.