
"We must never wage a war," Shen Feng and Fleur said together. They looked at each for one more minute and smiled. 

Fleur broke the connection and quickly looked away. She could not hold the gaze. And when Feng suddenly felt like he is sweating as his heart pounded lound. 

'What is this?' He wondered. 'Am I sick? Maybe I should do a check up,' he thought thinking something is wrong with his heart. 

'Don't look at him again, don't look at him again,' Fleur kept telling herself looming at the books. She picked one and kept them open on the table. She pretended to read through it not even noticing that it is placed upside down. Shen Feng tried breaking the awkward silence between. "Let us go for a walk," he suggested. He got up on his feet quickly and got ready.

"Where to?" Fleur asked curiously. 

"Around the school," he said. 

"Okay," she agreed and got up. They walked outside the door and chose a path less walked in the campus.