
Kai and Hera walked together and found a great inn to have dinner. They got it and settled down in a table at the first floor of the inn. 

The night was beginning to fall. "Spicy chicken ramen, chicken dumplings, and bring some dried pullocks," Ordered Kai. "What about you?" He then asked Hera. "Bring me the ramen and dumplings too," she ordered the same. She placed the wine jar on the table and began to pour them on the bowls.

"Let us wait for the food first and then drink," Kai reminded her. He had no idea that Hera had never drunk a strong wine before. 

"Noona, how long have you been staying here?" Kai asked.

"Couple of years now," she answered him. 

"Oh, alone?" 

"Yes, alone," 

"Why did you leave home?" He asked. Hera smiled. 

"Why did I leave home?" She repeated the question. She was reminded of what happened at her home.