
Aqua, Huo, Kai, and Fleur reached Human Realm. Life had changed so much. Technology was one big thing they took time to catch up with.

Aqua, Huo, Kai, and Fleur reached Human Realm. Life had changed so much. Technology was one big thing they took time to catch up with.

"This mortals are brilliant don't you think?" Huo'er appreciated them.

"Pa, drive properly," Fleur told her father. 

The family has come down and settled down in a city. The kids preffered to live in the city. Both Fleur and Kai were enrolled in high school. Fleur had no escape from studying which ever world she goes to. Kai was doing brilliant while Fleur chose to be an average student. She was an introvert unexpectedly. She did not want to mingle much with anyone. Highscool was boring for her. On the other hand, Kai became a popular guy at school good at sport, arts, and academics.