Yanarym pushed him away from her, she was fuming in anger. No, they are not understanding each other, they are not linking, not compatible! It would be better to find someone else than deal with this lunatic!

"Stop! Get away from me!" Yanarym wiped her tears. Her situation would make her cry! He doesn't understand her at all. She needs to get pounded at this moment- and what she meant by that, she wants him to go berserk but he isn't! Instead, he was doing the exact opposite of what she needed. "You're insane."

"Don't move." The young man only tightened his grip on her and continued teasing her.

"No! Find me someone else! Or go find someone else for you to have sex with. We're not compatible—"

He leaned forward and began kissing her roughly. She felt her mouth go numb from his bites and violent sucking before she started tasting rustic flavor, it was her blood! Before she could even complain, he was already attacking her bottom lip.

"You... Is this what you want?" Alyx whispered angrily

She then noticed the effects of the drug were completely gone when she could already feel the exhaustion and body pain. He bit her shoulder before they could even separate. What a sadist!

She rested her back on the mirror above the sink and closed her eyes shut, focusing on her breathing. Suddenly, she felt cold.

As soon as she recovered, she opened her eyes and saw the same glum look on the gorgeous man's face. Yanarym gulped and immediately closed her legs. She was afraid he would like to have a second round, so she cautiously climbed down the sink and away from him.

She doesn't like his weird ways of sex, though some may find it sexy. But it wasn't what she wanted! He liked his sex super soft and if not, super hard! She couldn't handle it. Surely, there would be no more round two for him!

She tried going for her clothes as fast as she could while struggling with her weak knees. His enthusiastic penis caught her attention—he became excited again. What the hell?

Is he even the main lead of the story?! This guy's way too much compared to Alvan!

Guide-sama: "He is indeed the main lead, Yanarym," Shocked, she plopped down on the floor.

"Why didn't you say it sooner!?"

Guide-sama: "You did not ask."

"OMG! Guide-sama! Next time tell me these things beforehand!" She wailed mentally.

"Okay," Guide simply replied.

Before she could even put on her clothes, Alyx had swiftly carried her back to the sink, her eyes wide open. "H-Hey! Wait!"

Yanarym was expecting him to kiss her again but he went to get the water hose and showered her with it. He thoroughly cleaned her body, she felt like a child being taken care of from his gentleness. No one was talking until both of them were already dressed.

"Thank you," Yanarym said meekly to him when they got out of the restroom. Alyx raised an eyebrow at her and sneered.

"Why are you thanking me? It's not over yet. We're just changing the location."

He then reached for her hand and pulled her inside the elevator. She tried to process everything that was happening when she realized they were already going up.

"H-Hey! Let me make this clear." Yanarym snatched her hand from him. "I didn't agree for round two!"

The young man grinned at her protest and cornered her to the wall. "You can't refuse. You owe me one, right? You just have to pay me back."

"Guide-sama! Why is the male lead like this?!" She cried in her head. "He shouldn't be like this to me! He was meant not to have sex with women twice! He's not supposed to have sex with me at all! He should only want it with Alyana! No one else!"

"I told you, Yanarym. As long as it is you, everything can change." Guide explained.

"I don't want to become Alyana!"

Yanarym woke up to see the young man, who made her stay up the whole night, sleeping soundly with his angelic face. He was hugging her tight as if he wasn't planning on letting her go.

Her headache from everything that had happened. The story from the book, which is where she is present, isn't supposed to be rated SPG. However, the only connection she has had with the two male leads was purely sexual.

She tried moving but she felt the pain all over her body, especially down there. He was a monster in bed. He deserves to be the main lead.

"Awake?" Alyx asked him, still sleepy. He fluttered his eyes open before smiling at her.

Certainly, he is demonically handsome, and has this gorgeous seraphic face. So, contradicting...

"Hmm," Yanarym answered with her hoarse voice before closing her eyes.

She was screaming and moaning the entire night, so it should be normal to lose her voice. She did not want to make noise last night but Alyx won't let her. He was just the same as his brother who loved to hear her sensual screams, much worse, he likes listening to her beg cries and wails. It was a sick fetish! Is Alyx always like this?