What's more, Yanarym had found out that Kane Morgan was associated with the doctor that could help Yarisa's case. He was the perfect person she needed to complete her task. Despite a lot of his success, he's still young. He was well-known in his career, wealthy and handsome, though he was also known to be aloof and distant to women. Some even said he was gay but Yanarym only found it intriguing and quite challenging.

In her past life, she wanted to witness some boy's love in action. However, only her wild imagination could fill up her curiosity about this type of genre. And if she's lucky, she would like to witness a live-action in person.

Guide-sama who can read Yanarym's mind: "..."

In the corner of one of the grandiose rooms of the resort where the party was held last night, Alvan was sitting on the couch—staring grimly at the air. It was visible from his look that he did not sleep at all.

His plan to destroy Yanarym after he played on her on the bed did not happen as she had disappeared out of nowhere. The one who last saw her said that she had gone to the restroom after she had finished the medicine that he told them to serve to her. He went to the said restroom but found no one except the broken door of the cubicle and the wet floor.

He was aiming for her to suffer from the effects of the drug at that time. That's why he made sure to come to her a little later. He also made sure no one would be able to get near her vicinity. That's why he had no clue where she had gone. Even the CCTV captured nothing and no one had seen her leave the party. It was just like she had vanished into thin air.

That was the main reason why Alvan's not in a great mood. He's been starving for so many days. He was aching for her and no one could satiate his cravings but her, his taste buds were only searching for her. He tried to distract himself by seeing other women but the satisfaction Yanarym had brought him wasn't on par with anybody else.

For him, Yanarym was like a dish he couldn't get over with. The one he had only had a taste and was yearning for more. Like she was a song and he had a Last Song Syndrome—he would love to play her over and over again. And he knew that the only thing that could cure this was to have her once, twice or thrice, until he's had enough of her.

His attention instantly turned to the buzzing of his phone—hoping it was her. "Alvan, where are you? You need to get here and prepare for the shoot."

It was his assistant.

He paused briefly as an idea came to his mind. A malicious sneer formed on his lips. "Chloe, I want you to reserve an important role for my next project—the co-leading star." He stood up from his seat and decided to take a quick shower.

"Is it Miss Alyana Lawson?" Alvan's forehead wrinkled upon hearing someone else's name. Was he being scandaled again without him knowing?

"No. Who the hell is that? I want Yanarym." He shook his head and smiled as soon as her name came out from his mouth.

"Who? Yanarym? You mean, the rookie?"

Chloe, his assistant, was dumbfounded. Probably because he wasn't usually the type to go that far for someone. Although he did give some roles to a few women he had sex with but only minor ones.

She had heard from the manager that the two were spotted together at the dressing room but that was like a month ago already. Why only ask now? Also, Yanarym didn't have a golden master or someone to sponsor her.

Will Alvan openly support her now? But why? Was it because they had sex?

Or maybe, her boss had... 'Oh, my god! He fell in love with her!' Chloe shrieked in her mind.

"Should I repeat myself twice?" She was startled by Alvan's grumpy tone from the other line. Chloe gulped. If he's serious this time, would it be good or bad for her? She would need to research her boss's future girlfriend!

She nodded vigorously, "O-Okay… Alright, boss. I will try… but—"

"I will not accept any role if she won't have a major part in it. Cancel all of my ongoing projects and ask the company for a breach of contracts. I'm going to rest. Call me only if it's the news I want to hear, or else, you're fired." He didn't even let Chloe give him a reply and had ended the call instantly.

He looked at the handsome young man staring back at him in the mirror and noticed a smile unconsciously forming on his lips. Surely, just thinking about Yanarym puts him in a good mood. And the fact that he would spend a whole day with her was all he was looking forward to.

No way to escape, he thought maniacally.

"You think you can do this to me, Yanarym? Running away? You can't, sweety—and don't blame me. You made me do this after all. Just wait for your punishment." Alvan mumbled to himself.

Yanarym lost her phone. She might have left it in the taxi on her way to the party or maybe somewhere else—she can't remember. The only money she had in her bank account wasn't enough for her to buy a new one. But, at least, she would have a decent excuse for feigning about everything that has been happening.

She's in the hospital staring at her top and biggest fish to put in her aquarium. It was certainly a good choice picking Kane Morgan since he was an influential person at the hospital where Yarisa was being hospitalized. It's pretty convenient, and she won't have to pay for transportation, she's very smart, she silently praised herself.