Alyx halts as he tastes the taste of blood and the sting from his lower lip. She was catching her breath and was able to break free from his restraints. He wiped the blood off his lips, his heartbeat quickened with excitement.

"I-I can't breathe, y-you won't let me go I have to breathe." She panics to justify her action.

"Come here." He darkly said to her but she shook her head.

"I'm s-sorry, please let me go..." she whimpered and kept on moving away from him.


"Why are you doing- AHH!" She screamed when he reached out for her ankle and pulled her in his direction. He took off his necktie and lash her wrist.

"S-sir Alyx! Let's talk! Sir!" She shouted at him but he was deaf to her demands. This reminds her of their first time together. He was such a sadist! Guess that he would always be a sadist in bed, isn't he? And he was fond of bondage too much, she remembers that he tied her like the last time too. Him and his fetish!

"Alyx! Let me go! We can talk about this!"

To her recollection, there was no sex scene between him and Alyana. There are only fluffy and romantic bubbles. No red room edition! What's going on now?!

"Sure sweetheart, later, later we will talk." His voice was deep that made Yanarym shudder in horror.

"O-okay ... all right, let me go. I won't run away, l-let me … I'll serve you." Yanarym said pleadingly. She cursed at her head after admiring his devilish beauty, that handsome devil will knock you out, her voice rang out to contradict her.

"I'll serve you first." He took his coat and threw it away, swiftly taking the fabric hiding her treasure.


"You tanned." He mumbled as he stroked his fingers through her uneven skin tone. He was fixated with tracing the lines between her tanned skin and her usual white tone, and he was aroused merely by adoring her.

He came up close to her and grazed his lips on her body. He grabbed her waist and kissed her all the way to her navel, then parted her knees and settled himself in the midst of her. And afterward, he commenced smooching her breast. He wasn't as aggressive as he was, and he took his time nipping her nipple. While his other fingers rubbing her other nipple.

Every grumble and howl of Yanarym clenched his gut, as his erected shaft was throbbing with each passing second, He opted to ignore his urges and persisted to satisfy her.

His competitive nature awakens when he realizes that two other men are making her pleased besides him.

His lips left her breast and made their way to her neck."I won't ask who's better between the three of us. Because it must be me, do you understand?" He threateningly whispered to her ears, she bobbed her in response. And he glides his hand down and inserts his finger into its watery cunt.


"I don't hear you."

"Yes, you're better!"


He returned to his business to romance her left breast. Yanarym doesn't know where to settle her head as the pleasure was building up in her body. His wet-naughty tongue licking, biting, and sucking her chest as well as his finger coming in and out of her hole.

"A-ahhh Alyx ..." She moaned and arched her body. Her body stiffened indicating that she's coming, Alyx finger violates her further as he accelerates. He transferred his mouth to her clit and applied pressure. "Ah! Ah!"

Her whole body trembled as she climaxed. She tried to move her hips away from Alyx who didn't stop fingering and eating her pussy. But she couldn't, she shuddered each stroke of his tongue at her sensitive bead, she could feel her vagina's liquid dripping and he still kept on going.

This is the sole reason why she doesn't like Alyx, he likes foreplaying a lot or he just loves to torture her before he enters her!

"A-alyx, l-let me go. I will c-cooperate." She tried voicing herself and called his attention but he was too immersed in devouring and desecrating her poor vagina.

"N-no, Alyx!" She shouted and tried to kick him as another wave of pleasure was building in her stomach. She was too sensitive for his non-stop foreplay. "E-enough!"

Alyx paused and pressed her waist on the mattress which caused her to stop squirming. He narrowed his eyes and met her teary eyes. "I don't want to hurt you, so stop struggling." With that, she was completely tamed.

Yanarym took deep breaths and bit her lip hard when she felt Alyx's tongue licking her groin and slurping her orgasms. While his thumb from his left hand was pressing and tormenting her clit, his right hand's index and middle finger were still ramming to her core.

Yanarym was awakened by a hunger pang. The gentle countenance of the young man who had terrorized her to the point if collasing was the first person she saw when she opened her eyes.

She closed her eyes again and pretended to be asleep as she rolled to the sheet away from him. But was abstained by Alyx's masculine arms, he hugged her waist and easily scooped her body back to his side. Because of their movements, the cold air of the AC penetrated in the blanket, she felt her nakedness against his bare chest.

"You've been sleeping for three hours and twenty-six minutes, I was just starting and you're already this tired?" He mumbled on her ears stroking his hand on her flat stomach. "The last time we did it you lasted over three rounds."

"I want to eat." She cut him off and turned to face him, "I'm hungry, Alyx." She said sweetly and peered at his eyes, "Can I eat something?"

"I am hungry too but you slept in during my meal so I haven't finished eating yet." He slid his hand all the buttocks and groped it.