As long as his brother didn't make a fool of himself and treated Yanarym well, Alyx would not try to mediate between them. He admits that he already fell for Yanarym, though it was not deep enough for him to start a conflict with his younger brother. Contented to protect them from behind, especially that he had removed one by one those who may hurt her in the future.

"By the way, Martis, what's Rym's twin sister's status in the hospital?"

"Ms. Yarisa's status is still in a comatose state, other than that, everything is stable. And as you have ordered recently sir, she has been moved to a bigger room and given VIP treatment."

"Any news about her treatment?"

"The doctor's finding says that it is a miracle if she ever woke up sir."

"Is that so? How about the doctor?"

"Doctor Morgan has invested on Miss Yanarym's new endorsement when he has heard about it. And now, he's raising the value of his investment on the movie, The Sunset."

"They still have no contact?"

"Yes sir, but ..." Alyx turned to his secretary hearing his hesitation to speak. They are now inside the elevator so he can feel and see its movements and expressions.

"But what?"

"Last week sir, I have reported that the crew and staff and co-stars of the movie have already moved to Morong Island for the taping and they will be back after the minimum estimated time of two months of staying there," he paused and looked at his tablet before redirecting his eyes to his boss. "And next week there is a report that five of the investors will be observing the making of the movie for three days or they can choose to stay until the end of the shoot at the island. Doctor Kane Morgan is one of the stated investors who's coming to Morong Island, sir… "

"If that's the case, watch him closely," Alyx said calmly but Martis could see the tension in the air as soon as he finished reporting. Today his mood was already ruined, and the only thing that could lighten it up was wonderful news from Yanarym.

Alyx has a lot to take care of in Manila and tomorrow he will go to the states for a contract signing with a well-known magazine and some annual regulation inspection at his Europe headquarters.

Although he longed to see Yanarym, he chose not to disturb her world and just supported her from a distance. This way he could prove his sincerity of how he feels for her.

In the parking lot as the secretary and his boss Alyx saunter to their vehicle. They meet Alyana on the way--- or more accurately to say she was obviously waiting to see Alyx. All of Matis boss's orders go through him, it's only natural that he knows that his boss used to be obsessed with the girl in front of them, Martis was also aware that his boss's interest in her had disappeared like a bubble. In addition, Alyana was one of the women Alyx punished for what happened in the dressing room scandal.

So most of the offers for her career disappeared too, she's falling into the abyss. Alyx deliberately sank them at the very bottom of the industry. Most of them have become depressed in the state of their respective careers, others have sold their own flesh to have roles and gigs. Even if they want to quit, they would have to pay for a breach of contract but, normally they couldn't afford to pay for it.

"CEO- Alyx Villalias." Alyana greeted him, Alyx walked past her without even looking at her. Yet, Alyana moved quickly to block his path.

She was waiting for him in the parking lot early in the morning. She wants to talk to him and give her justification for what management projects give her, she knows Alyx did something for this series of failures going on in her career.

They have not been in contact since the last time in the photoshoot, usually, it was Alyx who was showing out of nowhere to see her but since then, he hasn't made an appearance and her exposure in the entertainment industry has plummeted.

Alyana had been enduring what was happening to her for a month, but now she could no longer bear it, she hasn't even reached the top but she's already at rock bottom.

Although Alyx's treatment of her had changed, she doesn't believe that his feelings for her have disappeared. She still thinks that it can make her suffer so she agrees to be his girlfriend. She endured and tried to climb up by her own ability, and Alyx kept on taunting her.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She asked him bitterly. "If you like me, let me be. Don't torture me like this! Alyx, I have suffered enough!" Alyx's brows furrowed with her assertion, where did she get that idea? Haven't they said their farewell long ago?

"Are you talking to me?" He asked her dryly. He wasn't expecting to see her at the parking lot of his company. It's still early in the morning and it seems like she was waiting for him. Because, as soon as he got off the elevator she greeted him with that ridiculous statement.

"Who else am I talking to?! You are the only person who could do this to me! Stop acting dumb and just let me be! I won't like you back if you keep this up Alyx!" She yelled at him, causing Alyx to get irritated.

"Are you delusional? Who told you I still like you?"

"If you no longer like me, THEN STOP TORMENTING ME!"

"Why would I waste my time tormenting you? It's your own doing that's why you are suffering. Don't blame it on me." He scowled at her and started walking away, but Alyana grabbed his arm and prevented him from leaving her behind like he did at their last encounter.