Upon the plane's arrival at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Yanarym disappeared. She needs a day off from the restless young men who had her almost bedridden at the island for the past two months of staying there. She lost consciousness due to fatigue too many times for her to count it only with her fingers. She would tape a scene from a movie any time of the entire day and if she was on break either Kane or Alvan would tire her out. She feels the two were competing over who will be the first one to kill her while having sex.

Alvan found out that her relationship with Kane Morgan was more than being an acquaintance. He tried not to mention it to her, and let his frustration out during their session in bed. Kane wasn't that giving either, he would make two hickeys if Alvan left one. Both were unhappy with the situation but neither could do anything to make one of them go away.

Alvan knows the importance of the doctor to Yanarym, he can't ask her to make Kane Morgan stay away from her. He was afraid that if insist on driving Kane away, Yanarym would be the one who would leave him, how can he not be conscious? She would always remind him of what she truly felt about him, and it's nothing.

In Kane's case, he tried to persuade her not to work anymore and rely on him regarding her circumstances, which made her disappointed in him. She insisted on working in the industry and told Kane that this was more than her dream, it was Yarisa's dream. And Yarisa was always the absolute person for Yanarym.

Although they knew their situation tacitly, they were still striving for her. And, actually, Yanarym had no serious concerns regarding the matter. Why can't she just enjoy them?

First and foremost, she is not a sex addict, although she was sometimes horny. Secondly, those are handsome, rich, young, famous, and successful men swarming to her, wasn't that enough reason to indulge herself in her carnal desires? She's living in most of the women's fantasies and wishes. Third, she died as a virgin in her past life, she lived her petty life untouched and reserved for long enough. Fourth, in exchange for having sex with the two, she has luxury, she's loaded, every material thing she wanted, those men would give her. Finally, she was having fun herself, despite the fact that the two of them were such a beast in clothing whenever they were on 'it'.

The only dilemma was her body stamina. Maybe it's because she's only a minor and super extra in this book so she was almost fragile as paper, she could only last in the third round of the battle. If she could only match the energy and strength of the two men, she might give them a threesome.

Guide-sama: "... isn't that shameless?"

"Who says? I've always stood on polygamy relationships! Monogamy is shit, it's only for people who enjoy a meal and don't get tired. Well … on the one hand, I don't like the harem category. REVERSE HAREM, I STAND! "

Guide-sama: "..."

"Don't worry Guide-sama, I can't do them all at once. I might not die in a car accident but from over-sex indulgence. My body is too weak compared to the two …"

Guide-sama: "You sound very disappointed."

"ANYWAYS! BACK TO BUSINESS! I have three days off before I start shooting again for the movie. For the next three days, don't let them find me Guide-sama, 'key? "

Guide-sama: "Okay, I'll hide your tracks."

After Alyx heard the news that Yanarym fled after she got off the plane, he immediately ordered his secretary to find her.

For over three months, he hadn't seen or spoken to her. He was preoccupied with the business, and whenever he had spare time, he would debate whether or not to visit her on Morong island. In the end, he'd stay in Manila and rely on the assessments of the investigator who had been hired to keep an eye on Yanarym.

Of course, the news of the complicated relationship between her and his brother with the doctor reached his ears. Because of that, his initial idea of lying low to aid her was altered. If someone else could be involved in Alvan and Yanarym, why can't he also take part in the love rivalry?

He doesn't care if another man had slept with her. If he could lead between the three of them as her favorite, it would be better.

"Still no news?" Alvan was mortified when found out that Yanarym went missing right after coming back to Manila. The very first thing that sprang to him when he heard it was that she was with the young doctor.

Nonetheless, he considered looking for her at the airport but was deterred by his personnel since that would be troublesome for him to wander in a crowded place as a popular artist.

Once he arrived home to his condominium, he immediately dialed his employee's number to investigate her whereabouts.

"What about that bastard? Maybe he really took her away while I was not around?" He inquired frantically.

"Sir Alvan, at this moment, Doctor Morgan is also looking for Miss Yanarym's location."

"She can't evaporate into thin air! WHY CAN'T YOU FIND HER?!"

"We are sorry sir."

"Sir Alvan! Miss Yanarym's personal assistant told me that she'll return after three days."

"Then, that PA knows where she is?"

"No, sir. She just received a voicemail from a payphone with Miss Yanarym's voice. They can't contact her through her mobile phone. When they found the payphone she had used, it was in the bus station."


"Yes sir!"

"One more thing, keep an eye on that bastard."

He doesn't know why she has to complicate every situation. All she needed to do was choose him over that doctor, be with him and it would be a happy ending!