What's more, if Achis could save the life of a binukot? Her father would bestow him with golds and treasures, slaves and warriors if he did this right.

After Achis and Yanarym concluded an agreement, he guided her to the hut he would lend to her for the time being. As he ambled to her front, she was silently following, momentarily, he would look from behind and see if she could still keep up with his pace. If she wasn't, he would decelerate the strides of his feet or halts until she could catch up.

"I… want to take a bath first, do you know where I can wash myself?" Yanarym felt the stickiness of her sweats and she could not remain quiet about it. Although the wind is rather cool, she still wanted to get rid of the nasty smell and disturbing feeling on her body.

"There's a river near the location of the hut you can stay too." He replied in a manly voice. It was a dreary walk, only the sound of nature could be heard around them.