"Come on, Maki!" Yanarym ran to the hallway and Maki ran after her. 

"Kaliya," Datu Pita welcomed Kaliya to his household. Hara Kaliya saw the man she always admired, smile shyly. 

"Datu Pita, it's nice to see you again." She said, bowing her head. Datu smiled and pats her shoulder. 

"Stop being so formal, come in. Pardon me if I restrict your uripons' to be with you, I don't like too many people going around my house." 

"It's alright Datu, I understand." 

"Where's Basi? Why are you alone?" Hara Kaliya frowned and looked at Datu Pita. 

"He's busy with something. He's always with your second daughter." She said dryly. She knows that Datu Pita doesn't consider Tala as his daughter, everyone knows it. That is one of the reasons why she hates Tala. 

"Really?" Datu Pita replied knowingly. Lapil had already told him about Rajah Basi's betrayal.