Holding up her body, lifting her on the surface like holding a light feather, Lapil strides unhurriedly to the platform of the boat carrying her waist and bum. He skims his lips on her tenderly and ponders her cheeks with kisses as he lays her down by. 

"Have I already told you that you're so beautiful?" He whispered to her and swept the strands of her hair behind. Yanarym blinks, parting her lips to breathe and looks at him, who stares at her with drunken eyes.

"You like me because I'm beautiful?" She asked and he smiled at her. 

"Maybe," he hushed her before she could even talk again by sealing their lips together. This time, it's not a light brushing of skin but he started to devour her mouth. Savoring the flavor of fruits she had to consume earlier with her natural sweet taste.