Sniffing Yanarym's scent to his nostrils made her every existence input to his system. 

She tried to move away but Maki did not let her. He opened his eyes and watched her slumber face, she rolled again, now in his direction. Hugging him back and burying her head to his chest. 

Maki gulped at this, feeling her smooth skin touching his body. Her warm breath hits the skin on his chest. He parted his lips as he felt that it's starting to get hard to breathe. He moved his hand upward and brushed her hair trying to shift his attention somewhere else. 

He swallowed his dry saliva again feeling her face tickling his torso. His abdomen is starting to burn and his mind was filled with the image of the night when they made love. Replaying each moment, subconsciously he started to caress her back sensually.