"That's right Rajah. I wanted to inquire if the marriage between me and Lapil would be validated." Both of them had let the silence reign at the moment. 

Marriage-- the Rajah contemplated, the marriage between his son Lapil and the first daughter of Datu Pita was barely compact. Since, both Pita and Ara don't want to entangle their angelic daughter to the surge of power and war. However, due to the Hara and Rajah's constant exasperation with the couple, they agreed on the arranged marriage with the condition that if Yanar and Lapil would not become compatible, they would cease the agreement. 

The strict monitoring of Datu Pita was also the reason why Lapil and Yanar could not meet each other and the marriage between the two was not announced publicly. Pita was just too protective, but look at it now, the daughter was dead and the marriage between the two would never happen.