Movu came back and it was past midnight. He saw that Yanarym's room light was not on and he concluded that she was probably sleeping. He took three steps to his room but halted and went straight to her door. 

"You're not sleeping?" He saw her sitting, hugging her knees, and dazing on the wall. 

"Don't turn on the light." She mumbled and shifted her eyes to him, "I can't sleep." 

"Why don't you lie down first?" He walked to her and took a seat beside her. 

"I can't lie down now that you are here." She replied, "There's no space." Movu smiled and held her shoulders to guide her head lay on his lap. When she became comfortable with him, he started brushing her hair. 



"Have you ever thought that if you were never abducted you could never meet me?" Movu muttered, he looked at her reaction but it remained stagnant. "If you were given a choice will you ever be here?"