
Yazeno: "Where are you all? Why aren't you home? Are you all together?" 

"Hey, calm down lil' bro." 

Yazeno: "I'm calm ATE." Yanarym smirked at him, stressing the word ate and wasn't even trying to hide his irritation. 

"So, here's the situation. Kuya is on a blind date and Cailly with me was surveilling them. It seems like we were too busy to inform you that we are out for the night." 

Yazeno: "..."


Yazeno: "Where's that?"


Yazeno: "On the mall? When will you come home?"

"After the date was over, maybe?"

Yazeno: "Let Kuya be, he's old enough to handle that." 

"I promised Kuya to stay until everything was concluded." 

Yazeno: "... I'll go there." 

"OR! You can have a date with your girlfriend!" 

Yazeno: "Ate, I broke up with her."