"Kuya! Kuya wait. Let's chill, okay? Don't rush and make your argument big. You know Rym, she won't listen to you."

"Zen! Help me here and tell me what happened?" 

"Kuya is just doing his job," Yazeno commented. 

"What's going on?" As soon as Yanarym reached Lawrence, visible dissatisfaction was written all over her face. He was on a call with his superior earlier regarding the case that he just closed, it was confidential that's why he moved from an isolated space and only saw when his girlfriend was having a dispute with her brother. 

"Your room is on the top floor." She said and gave him the key card. "And I'm here in the lobby." 

"You yelled at your brother for this?" 

"What? For this? He's separating us Law! He's been giving you the cold treatment since yesterday!" Lawrence chuckled and pinched her frowning expression. He felt delighted having her on his side instead of her own brother.