The platform had two shelves hanging side-by-side, inside the left shelf bottles of exotic things like dried lizard's tails, eyeballs of fish, nails of cat, feathers of crows, and many more bizarre body parts of animals; the second shelf have plants in variation, and neon-liquids glistening ominously, at the bottom was an extra bookshelf occupied by big books categorized by their practices. 

The whiteboard in the middle of those shelves was filled with organized formulas and equations neatly written, with no space to scribble. The long table three feet away from the whiteboard was occupied with papers, books, and vial. Each student had a smaller table, it was occupied by some identical things from the long table. Big windows were covered with thick glasses. Walls were invaded by the imagery of recipes of various kinds of potions. At the back, there were four blocks of req. It was the potion class of the witch professor, Lena, Yanarym's adopted mother.