Pride. A man's pride is his greatest weakness. She knew Lyndon was not jealous just because she uttered Kraig's name. She was rubbing his ego, it was where she was not supposed to attack to provoke his resentment. But that was what she was aiming to happen. To trigger him. That was the most important thing that she could have in her clutch to have this man under her control. 

"Say it again, I'm warning you," 

"Kraig," she dares, Lyndon's eyes flared with anger. She certainly likes teasing me. 

Yanarym felt his aggressiveness on her breast. He fondled her carelessly, and gnashed his teeth to her lips, making her bleed. He was becoming predatorial, the prey from earlier was gone. He is a fast learner, she thought after realizing that for a short period, she trained a puppy to become this violent. 


"Why are you purposely making me mad?" He growled at her, nipping her earlobe.